Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Primetime Live: What People Are Talking About: Pugs

I came across this clip on YouTube from PrimeTime Live I believe from the Fall of 2007.  I think the clip does a pretty good job of showing the spirit of the pug lover.  My favorite line for the video is from Margo Kauffman,

“The pug owner has a predisposition for lunacy, otherwise you would not become enslaved to a dog that does nothing for you.”

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I definately agree that pug owners—as a whole—have a predisposition for lunacy. I’ll bet all the OBP readers can relate to that tendency : )

But I strongly disagree that pugs “do nothing for you.”  Because they give us so much joy and love and happiness and laughter.  And that’s doing A LOT!

Corrine - OBP


I agree with you Martha.  My first thought when I heard that was that pugs do do a lot of us pug lovers.  But I guess it just isn’t in the same sense that people think about dogs.  The quote still made me chuckle though, because I know a lot of non-pug people or non-dog people that would totally agree with that statement.



Yes, I know a lot of those people too…*sigh*  People either get pugs or they don’t.  Seems there’s no middle ground.  But as far as the idea of dogs providing services for people, such as hunting dogs or seeing eye or guard dogs, I maintain that pugs provide a valuable service in helping our mental health.  (I think that’s why the Duke and Duchess of Windsor had so darn many pugs.  They were so sad about the whole abdication of the throne that they needed the help of lifelong cheerfulness from their many pugs.)



While others ( non -pug people) may see it as lunacy…  In actuality, they keep us sane.



It’s so sad that Margo K. lost her battle w/breast cancer so long ago. Her book Clara is great, I suggest it to any pug lover.



I just have to comment on this. I havent watched ABC news in a while but if the pug
party can make Sam Donaldson chuckle that is pretty amazing. I have never seen him that smily about anything.



This was great…so funny.  I had to laugh out loud when she said that you never hear someone saying about a golden retriever, “oh, he looks just like my uncle.”  I swear that my Leo looks like Teddy Roosevelt and/or Wilford Brimley.  I have never seen dogs look more like people than pugs!!

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