Friday, May 22, 2009

The good folks at the Wall Sticker Shop sent me an email with these adorable pug stickers and I couldn't wait to share them with all you pug lovers out there.
I know exactly where I would put them in the doggie day care / dog park I have always dreamed of building 
Check out the Pug Wall Stickers at the Wall Sticker Shop
Friday, May 1, 2009
Mid-Atlantic Pug Rescue is holding a Pugapalooza event on May 16, 2009. The event looks like it is going to be a lot of fun for people and puggies alike. For more details, see the flyer below or check out MAPR’s website.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Sunday kicks off National Poison Prevention Week and the ASPCA is doing their part by releasing a video describing plants that are dangerous to four legged friends. Be sure to check out the ASPCA’s 17 Plants that Poison Pets video.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
It would appear that Seattlelites love pugs. In fact, pugs are firmly seated at the middle of the top 10 dog breeds registered with the AKC in Seattle, WA. However, one disinterested Seattle pug has caught my eye of late. His name is Roscoe. He is your typical pug with handsome good looks except that he and his owner have a knack for spotting strange objects while out and about. Roscoe has a whole Flickr set called Disinterested Pug With Found Objects devoted to his findings. I can easily spend hours looking at Roscoe posing with all the things that have crossed his path.
Check out the Disinterested Pug With Found Objects set on Flickr.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Well, pug lovers, you really have perfected your scrapbooking skills! The Milwaukee Pug Fest received 69 outstanding entries for its scrapbooking contest and announced the winners of the contest earlier this week. The winning entries are listed below, but be sure to take a look at all the entries.
Scrapbooking Contest Winners:
$100 to GMPR for submitting 32 outstanding 12 x 12 pages
Honorable Mentions - $50
In alphabetical order by artist
A special donation of $50 to be directed to Pug Rescue of San Diego in memory of Mr. Bones. Mr. Bones (Braveheart, Billy Bones) was featured on Barbara McNair’s scrapbook page. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Feb 2nd, 2009. He was starved and suffered abuse that resulted in brain damage. He will not be forgotten in Milwaukee, San Diego and hopefully all the hearts that forever love the senior pug. Go in Peace, little Man!
A $25 donation will go to the following rescues for participating:
Monday, February 2, 2009
Fashionable Furbabies has released a new line of dresses made specifically for pugs called Tullie’s Cupcake Collection. The dresses are simply adorable, but the best part is that 100% of all proceeds benefit Central Florida Pug Rescue!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Being a football fan, I always enjoy Super Bowl Sunday. A few years back, I happened to stumble upon the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. After watching a few minutes of the “game” I was hooked and I have made sure to record it every year since.
This year is Puppy Bowl V and it looks to be as exciting as ever. Check out the Puppy Bowl V site to see this year’s starting lineup. Kickoff time is set for February 1, 2009 at 3pm e/p on Animal Planet.