Owned by Pugs

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh, Deer!


Friday afternoon, just as I was getting off work, I heard the pugs barking like crazy. I could tell by the urgency in their barks that they weren't just saying hello to one of the normal walkers or joggers that are frequently out at that time of the night. So, I walked from my office to the living room to check things out. Much to my surprise, the pugs were barking at a deer. I have never seen a deer anywhere near the house, so I was very surprised to see one right across the street, just hanging out.


Since barking at a deer was new territory for the pugs, Benjamin took to high ground, the couch, and barked from there. Luna took the main window and Henry's post was the sidelight.

The deer hung around for about 20 minutes before it darted back into the woods. The pugs were berserk for about the first five minutes, but after that they quieted down and just watched with amazement.

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The Pug Blog chronicles the daily antics of Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol.

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