Owned by Pugs

You are viewing entries tagged with the keyword Walks

Monday, March 14, 2011

Puggy Road

Benjamin and Henry

To help make up for yesterday's lost hour, we decided to celebrate the extra daylight hour by taking the pugs on a Sunday drive and going for a little walk in a different neighborhood. Since the pugs had never been there before they were super excited and were high energy the whole time.

There were a few streets that we crossed on our walk and I just love the way the pugs always stayed in the cross walk. They are very good doggie citizens.

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Short, Sweet & to the Point

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

We try to get the pugs out for a walk each night in the summer, but sometimes it is so hot that we don't make it past the front yard. Instead, we just hang out around the house so we don't have too far to go to get back in the AC.

But, on nights when we can actually get a little walk in, the pugs are giddy with excitement. They love their walkies.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Impatiently Waiting

Sol, Luna & Henry

We are impatiently waiting for a delivery today. I imagine it will come in a much bigger box than this and that the pugs are going to like it much more than what is in this box.

I primarily ordered it for Sol, but I think all the pugs will get some use out of it and it is really going to come in handy on our long, winter walks when it is perfect pug weather in FL.

So I am hoping it does indeed come today, so we can use it this weekend. What is it? Well, it is an upgrade to Sol's pouch...Solsey's wheels!

Solsey's Wheels

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


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The Pug Blog chronicles the daily antics of Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol.

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