Owned by Pugs

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Guard Dog

I shot this video the other night when I was taking some photos for Sunday’s Fashion Forward post.  Luna’s not just an adorable face, she is also a tough, little guard dog.

Guard Dog from obp on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

He Works Hard for the Peanut Butter

As you will see, Benjamin takes his treats very seriously.  When he gets a Kong he doesn’t let up until he gets every bit of peanut butter that I slather inside.  The original video goes on for more than 3 minutes, but I edited it down because you might have other things to get to today and after about a minute you get the gist.  My favorite part is the snorting and sniffling.

He Works Hard for the Peanut Butter from obp on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Yesterday morning Baby Benny was busy throwing the pillows off the sofa when Henry sauntered into my office and asked to go up into the bin.  Since Benny wasn’t using it, I lifted him up and put him in the bin.  A few minutes later, Benny comes into the office and wants to go in his bin.  I told him Henry already beat him to it, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Occupied from obp on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Watering Hole

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

Benjamin loves to chew and when he chews for hours on end in the evenings he naturally gets thirsty.  During a normal chewing session, he makes a couple of trips to the water bowl and it isn’t uncommon for him to come close to emptying the pugs’ huge water bowl.  But while he empties the water bowl, I would be surprised if he actually drinks more than a few tablespoons of water.  We have labeled him the most inefficient canine drinker because he somehow always ends up soaking his chin and that cute little bit of extra skin under his neck with water.

I always thought he just dipped his chin in the water while he was drinking, but this super slow motion video of a dog drinking may shed a little bit of light on the subject.  In any case, I found this video of how a dog drinks very fascinating.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rollie Pollie Pug

Luna is a hoot when she catches a smell of something that she would like to claim as her own.  She almost always paws at the spot and then flips herself on her back so she can rub her neck all over it.  She’ll do this on the grass, the sidewalk and as you will see in the video the rocks in the garden.  She especially loves to roll all over dried worms on the sidewalk.  I’m not exactly sure what that is all about.

I have been trying to get a video of Luna rolling all around for some time now.  This clip is short, she usually spends a lot more time wiggling around, but it gives you an idea of how she just flips herself to the ground.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Henry’s Idea of Fun

Here is a little video from this weekend’s swimming fun.  Henry just loves to pull anything out of the pool and he has gotten quite brave and now leaps into the water without hesitation.  A few things to note in the video.  Notice when Henry jumps into the pool how Benjamin and Luna bark at him.  You can see Luna watching him very closely from land.  Also, I love how little Luna blocks Henry from getting out of the pool on the first try.  That’s what he gets for showing off!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Benny watching the tele

We recorded the local news on Monday night to watch a piece on how the sagging economy is causing many families to surrender their pets.  One of the groups stepping up in this time of need is Central Florida Pug Rescue and they were featured in the clip.

If you pay close attention, you will notice that Benjamin does not bark whenever Ann from CFPR is talking.  That is because Ann is a very good friend of Benny’s.  She once baked him a whole loaf of special “Baby Benny’s Pugkin Bread” and he has never forgotten!

Kudos to CFPR for their amazing work!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mommy Said Stay

If it wasn’t for the continuous shooting mode on my camera getting group shots of the pugs would be a lot harder.  When we take pictures of Benjamin, Henry & Luna posed in front of things, like the new flower pots, as soon as they are sorta in place I just start shooting and I fire off as many shots as possible before someone moves too far out of place.  This means I end up with tons of photos.  I think I had around 85 pictures for the flower pot shoot.  Most of these pictures aren’t the greatest because one of the pugs is looking away or one of them has their eyes closed or someone, Luna, has simply walked away.  But it always amuses me when I flip through iPhoto quickly.  It is like a little flip book of the pugs posing.

I wanted to share, so I created a little video.  Enjoy.

p.s. - Sorry for no photo to go along with yesterday’s raffle post.  I will do my best to make it up to you grin

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Luna’s Loot

Luna has really taken a liking to the bag of loot we got for the pugs a few weeks ago.  Instead of having a squeaker it has crinkle stuff and boy does she ever make some noise with that thing.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life with Benny

Life with Benny involves a lot of bone holding.  We spoiled him when he was a pup and would hold his bone for him while he chewed so needless to say we have raised a pug that couldn’t hold his own bone if his life depended on it.  You reap what you sow, I guess.

In any case, Benny loves to chew so we do a lot of bone holding for him and when we are unable to hold his bone we must come up with a creative way to simulate us holding the bone.  Like wedging it between sofa cushions.  But, while Benny loves to chew he certainly isn’t a very effective chewer.  This goes back to my do the things you love even if you are not the best at them thing that I learned from Henry.

When Benny chews a rawhide bone all he does is soften it up with his slobber.  He will work for hours on end, but never really gets anything.  When Henry chews we have to keep a very close eye on him to keep him from eating too much at one time.  Even Luna, who has the smallest mouth I have ever seen on a pug, can chew circles around Ben.

But it is all moot because there is really nothing Benny likes to do more than go to town chewing a bone while you graciously hold it for him.  And this, my friends, is what that is like.

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