You are viewing entries tagged with the keyword Sol
Monday, September 12, 2011

I recently found out that today is National Pet Memorial Day. So, I thought I would post a picture of Solsey today and give an update on the Sol Sunshine Memorial Fund. As of this writing, $2,298.90 has been raised to help support the senior pugs of Central Florida Pug Rescue.
I think that is awesome! To me, Solsey was the perfect example of how to live your golden years to the fullest. I hope her fund helps the senior pugs of CFPR do the same.
None of this could be possible without all the loyal Solsey supporters and the good folks at CFPR. Thank you all for letting Solsey's memory live on in such a positive way!
Also, on a different note, I have extended the deadline for submissions to the 2012 Calendar Contest to September 17, 2011. I'm looking forward to your submissions.
Friday, July 8, 2011

I always talk about how much of an impact that Sol has had on my life, how she taught me so many things in her subtle ways. But, I think Sol impacted Luna as well.
Solsey had a calming effect on Luna. Since the day we adopted her, Luna was always a very nervous dog. Loving, but still nervous.
After spending time with Sol, Luna significantly calmed down a bit. She seemed to trust us even more. It was like Luna and Sol could relate. They both came into our home in similar circumstances and Sol told Luna it was OK. Relax. You're good now. Solsey conveyed something to Luna that humans could not.
In addition to helping Luna heal, Sol also taught Looney a few tricks. Before Sol, Luna would eat almost anything we put in her bowl. Sometimes begrudgingly, but she ate it nonetheless. Solsey taught Luna that if you don't like what is in your bowl, object. Heck, Solsey demonstrated how to object quite frequently.
And Solsey has taught Luna well. Luna continues to object to her mid day meals to this day. At lunch time, the pugs get a little bit of kibble. Since Luna has a hard time chewing the kibble, we give her a little bit of wet dog food. Well, there are a few flavors that Luna does not care for. When we figured out that Luna did not like those flavors we did not continue to buy them anymore. But, we didn't want what we had on hand to go to waste, so we would put down the food and if Luna objected, we would top the food with a tiny bit of cat food. Luna would then happily gobble down her food.
Well, what a big mistake that was! Now, at lunch, the little miss, sniffs her food bowl and if there is no cat food on top, she walks to the center of the kitchen and stares at you, wagging her little tail. She'll look at you, then look at the cat bowl, then back at you. And until you put a dab of cat food on top of her food she will not eat.
I'm sure Solsey could not be prouder!
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July! And to our friends to the North a belated Happy Canada Day!
We had a fairly quiet holiday weekend. It is super hot here so we didn't do too much outside. But we did get a few games of chase in in the living room.
Since the 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays, I also wanted to share one of my favorite pictures commemorating today. I just love this shot of Benjamin, Henry, Luna and Sol. Oh, how I miss that little lady.
Where we live it is not illegal to shoot off fireworks. So many people put on their own little fireworks show. It drives me nuts and it makes the pugs even crazier. The one good thing about Sol and her deafness was that she was oblivious to it all!
Have a safe and happy 4th!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the day we said goodbye to Solsey. In the days that have passed since she left us, I don't think one day has gone by without someone sharing a funny Solsey story or some related anecdote. To say that she left an impression on us would be an understatement.
The hardest part about this milestone for me is that I know that in just a short 3 months, that Solsey will have been gone for as long as we had her. It was a worry of mine early on that I would forget the little things that made Sol Sol. I worry a little less about that now, because it has been a year and I know that even though she only spent a short time with us, she certainly left a lasting impact.
In the picture, with Sol's urn, is her paw print set in plaster of paris. The vet tech made it for us and when we picked up Sol's ashes they gave it to us. Words cannot express how grateful I am for that little paw print. It was such a surprise, and such a unique gift. I felt bad asking if it was really Solsey paw print. I just couldn't believe that someone would think of something so special. Of course, they assured me it was indeed her own paw print and I am so very thankful to them for being so thoughtful on that blur of a day.
To celebrate Solsey's life, I would like to share a few of our favorite Sol moments. The list would not be complete without one infamous spaghetti post. Spaghetti reminds me so much of Solsey, that we have not had it since she passed. I can't even consider making it without having the whirling dervish around.
In addition to celebrating Sol with our favorite moments, don't forget about the Sol Sunshine Memorial Fund. In the year since she passed $2,244 has been raised to support the hospice pugs at Central Florida Pug Rescue. Like Solsey, those pugs are making the most of their golden years. Any donation, big or small, honors the memory of Sol and supports the senior pugs at CFPR.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A few weeks ago, Central Florida Pug Rescue sent me an update on the hospice pugs that are the beneficiaries to the Sol Sunshine Memorial Fund.
For example, the fund is being used for Jenny's monthly shots and for medicines, special foods and regular checkups for the other pugs in hospice. While reading the email, it was such a good feeling to know that Solsey is still doing good in this world. She can't be here to make me smile with her goofy antics, but it makes me smile to know that Solsey plays an itty bitty, tiny, little part in helping other senior pugs live it up in retirement.
Monetary donations to the fund go a long way, but donation of other items are also a big help. Here are a few of the items the senior pugs could use:
- Pastel colored yoga mats (we cut them up to make easy-clean pads for the seniors)
- Egg-crate foam sheets (we use the foam to make orthopedic beds)
- Raised dog bowls, for the pugs with severe arthritis and joint problems
- Frontline and Heartguard medications, as the older ones have trouble tolerating ivermectin and some of the other newer meds for heart worm and fleas
If you have any of these items and would like to make a donation, you can send them to:
P.O. Box 953744
Lake Mary, FL 32795-3744
Or if you are in the Central Florida area call the pug line at 407-756-4998 to arrange for pickup or delivery.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you for all your support. Without you, the Sol Sunshine Memorial Fund would not be possible.

Friday, November 26, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I woke up with every intention to post something yesterday before our holiday celebration got underway, but somehow I ran out of time.
We definitely have a lot to be thankful for and one of the things that is high on my list is all the wonderful pug lovers I have met through this site. When I started this website, I never imagined that I would meet so many wonderful people.
Last night, as we were digesting all our turkey, we strolled down memory lane, looking at pictures and videos and there were lots of Solsey. Since today is black friday I thought I would share again one of my favorite videos of my one and only black pug.
The video is quite long, but it gets very interesting around the 3:40 mark when Sol gets in on the action and surprises us all with her cheerio catching skills. To me, this video embodies so much of Sol's personality. She was always up for anything and she never let anything get in her way. She could adapt to any situation. Her age, the fact that half of her jaw was removed or anything else never got in her way.
Catching Cheerios from obp on Vimeo.
Also, here is the original post.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I was looking through pictures recently and I came across this one of Sol resting her head on a stuffed Reese's Peanut Butter Cup dog toy. Two of my favorite things right there, Solsey and peanut butter cups (Solsey more than peanut butter cups, of course). I sure do miss that little one.
Friday, October 15, 2010

Roberta, the winner of the Sol Painting raffle, sent along this picture last week letting me know the painting of Sol was delivered. Thanks, Roberta, for sharing the picture.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are expecting more gorgeous weather this weekend, so hopefully we will have time to take the pugs on some sort of outdoor adventure.
Monday, October 4, 2010

Roberta was the lucky ticket holder of the winning raffle ticket in the Sol Painting raffle. The portrait of Sol, painted by Grammy, will be headed to Annapolis, MD. Which, coincidentally, isn't too far from where we used to live in MD. We took the boys to a dog park in Annapolis once and Henry impressed everyone by swimming with the big dogs in the choppy Chesapeake Bay.
Thanks to everyone who entered the raffle. In total we raised $130 for the Sol Sunshine Memorial Fund. Congratulations Roberta. The painting of Sol is headed your way.
Side note: Roberta's pugs, Coco & Beau, are also Today's Featured Pug Picture. So you get to see Solsey's new friends.
Friday, October 1, 2010
I am very happy to announce the winner of the painting of Sol. The winner is lucky ticket number: 914201015. Below is a video of the drawing if you are interested.
Sol Painting Raffle
We sold 32 raffle tickets and raised $130 dollars for the Sol Sunshine Memorial Fund.
I want to thank everyone who entered the raffle. Your support of Solsey and the senior pugs at Central Florida Pug Rescue means the world to me.
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