Thursday, February 4, 2010

It seems like every time we talk to G-Ma & G-Pa lately they are expecting snow in Maryland. They got a little bit of snow earlier this week and they are expecting a lot more at the end of the week.
All this talk of snow got me thinking about the boys and their romps in the white stuff. Most of their snow pictures are from when they were puppies and believe it or not I did not have a digital camera back then. So, I went digging through all of our photo albums and found these pictures of the boys out and about in the snow.
I think it is pretty cool because these pictures are from one of the biggest snow storms on record for Baltimore. Between Februrary 15-18, 2003, 28.2" of snow fell. The link shows this storm as the biggest storm in MD history, but I know they beat that mark in December 2009. But the page above hasn't been updated since 2005. In any case 28.2" is a lot of snow. I remember how the boys thought it was fun at first, but then just how quickly they got tired of it. After a certain point, they couldn't go anywhere unless a path was cleared because the snow was just too high.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

You can file this under Things that Rarely Happen in FL. On Saturday morning we had a nice sleet/snow mix going on outside. Of course it didn't lay because the ground was still pretty warm, but it was still an odd sight to see the wintry weather here in FL.
Of course the pugs had to go out to go potty in the morning and they were quite surprised to hear the sleet and see the white stuff. It was funny to see the snow laying on the back of the pugs. It didn't photograph well on the fawns, but the snow showed pretty clearly on the back of Sol.
The only pug the snow didn't gather on was Luna. She ran out, did her business and then high tailed it right back into the house. That girl is from Miami. She doesn't do wintry weather.
If you're intersted, I have posted other, non pug related, wintry weather shots on Flickr.

Saturday, January 22, 2005
It has been very chilly here lately and we are in the midst of a snow storm. The heavy snow is yet to come, so we decided to head out and play while there was just a dusting on the ground.

The boys both had their coats on and were running around like mad stopping to gobble up snow along the way. They kept trying to shake off the cold and any snow that may have gotten on their coats. Luckily, I was able to snap a picture of Benjamin as he was giving himself a good shake!

If the boys are up to it, we may try to venture out later after there has been some accumulation. If we do, I will be sure to post some more pics.