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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Making the most of Monday

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

We didn’t get to do much with the pugs this weekend since we were so busy doing our holiday shopping.  So, I thought we would take advantage of Monday night and get the pugs out for some much needed exercise.  The City Center near the house puts up lots of lights for the holidays and it is always beautiful.  We hadn’t been over to see the lights this year, so I thought we would take the pugs over for a nice walk around the lake and enjoy the lights at the same time.

It was such a beautiful night out that we decided to stop and get some ice cream for us and the pugs afterwards.  Needless to say, I think the pugs enjoyed the ice cream more than the lights.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna eating ice cream

Sorry for the low quality photos, I took them with my phone.

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