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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Beach Bums

Benjamin, Henry & Luna with the lighthouse in the background

Last Sunday afternoon we went to the beach.  It had been a while since the boys and Luna had been to the beach so as soon as we got close they got very excited.  Once there, the pugs ran around like crazy, running in an out of the water with sand flying from their feet.

Take a left

Henry is in the lead here and is making a sharp left to avoid being pummeled by Luna and Benjamin.


Luna just loves to strut her stuff on the beach.


And one of the few moments when Benjamin was standing still.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ode to Pumpkin Bread

Here is a little video of Benjamin, Henry & Luna enjoying their pumpkin bread treat this weekend.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Caption This #31

Benjamin, Henry & Luna as the 3 Little Pigs

This week we have a Halloween themed Caption This.  This shot is from last year when Benjamin, Henry and Luna dressed up as the 3 Little Pigs.

Looking forward to reading your captions in the comments.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Going Gray


I have a question for all you pug lovers out there.  When did your pugs start to go gray?  Little Luna is about 4 years old, but as you can see her face is already very gray.  The boys, on the other hand, are 5 years old and have a lot less gray.  However, I did notice little bits of gray creeping in on their chins when they were about 2 years old.  Right now, the are primarily gray on their chins with a little bit of gray on their face.



Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bloopers #3

Luna with fuzz on her head

With a brother that must scratch on the pillow before he can settle, there is always little pieces of pillow fuzz everywhere.  Sometimes they just end up in the oddest places!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Halloween Fun

Benjamin, Henry & Luna with the scarecrow

This weekend we finally got around to getting out the Halloween decorations and building our annual scarecrow.  Last year, we built an Oriole fan that Henry took quite a liking to.  This year we built a Redskin fan, shortly after we watched their pathetic loss to the Packers on Sunday.  I think the only thing missing is a little tear in his eye.

We also had a little bit of fun and dressed up our Buddha statue.  Buddha stands guard at our front door and his official job is to welcome guests.  We dress him up every Halloween.  Last year he was a pirate, but I think this year’s costume is much better.

Our Buddha statue

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Caption This #28

Luna at the eye doctor's office

Here we have little Luna at the eye doctor’s office waiting for the doc.  She doesn’t know it, but she is standing on top a treat goldmine!

Luna does very good at the eye doctor’s, but if she had her choice, she would prefer if I took her to a more fun place.

Looking forward to your captions in the comments!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Bloopers #2

Where's Luna

This was supposed to be a nicely framed shot of little Luna posing in front of the Ginger in our yard.  However, the little wiggle worm exited stage left before I snapped the photo.

She is by far the worst when it comes for sitting still for her picture.  Henry is the best and is relaxed and takes direction very well.  Benny is more interested in knowing if treats are involved, but listens well.  And Luna, well, she just doesn’t listen at all!

Luna running off again

After we retrieved her and set her up again, she made another beeline towards me.  This time, at least, she is somewhere in the photo.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Caption This #27

Luna in my suitcase

A few weeks ago, I got out the suitcases to pack for a business trip.  I plopped them on the bed and went to the closet to get my clothes and when I came back this is what I saw.  Looks like Luna doesn’t want to be forgotten!

Looking forward to your captions in the comments!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Bloopers #1


No matter how hard we try to perfectly capture each moment to share on the blog, we inevitably come up with a few duds here and there.  This would most definitely be one of them.

Luna can be quite un-photogenic at times.  Especially when you scratch that little spot just above her right hip.  It makes her eyes go weird, her lip curl and her little snagletooth pop out.  How could you not love this little girl.

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