Owned by Pugs

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Thursday, September 2, 2010


Henry and Luna

We recently installed blinds on the front door for a little privacy and to help cut down on the amount of sunlight that pours into the living room in the evenings. We thought reducing the amount of sunlight that enters the house during the summer would help lessen the load on our friend the AC.

But we couldn't just put up blinds on the window because I could just imagine how quickly the pugs would tear them right off the door. So, we got shades that are enclosed in glass and hook right onto the door, which means the pugs can scratch at the door and won't be messing with the blinds.

One major drawback, is that having the shades closed limits the pugs view. Which is perfectly fine with me because a limited view means limited barking, but I'm not so sure how well it is going to go over with the pugs. So far they seem to be fine.


But, since the amount of sunlight pouring into the house is greatly reduced they do have to chase the sun a bit more. Before a huge rectangle of sun poured through the door. Now they just get little patches that jump around depending on the angle of the sun. But, don't worry, little Luna seems to have gotten the hang of things already.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Caption This #164


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cuteness Alone


Things have been pretty quiet here in the OBP house. Walks are still limited because of the heat and humidity and we have been getting a lot of rain this week. Which, ultimately, is great because we can always use the rain. But, in terms of pug adventures things have been very humdrum around here. So, since we don't have any interesting stories to tell, I told the pugs they needed to dial up the cuteness until I dream up something fun for us to do and share with all the OBPers out there.



Have a great weekend everyone and don't forget about the 2011 Calendar Contest.

Monday, August 23, 2010



Benny better be on his best behavior. Luna has Benny's precious puffy. Muahaha!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mellow Yellow


The other day, a metal piece of Luna's harness that is used to adjust the straps broke and the only thing we had on hand was one of Solsey's old harnesses. Solsey wore this harness for about a week when she first came to us. After a week, we quickly realized that should could afford the next size up.

It is weird seeing Luna in yellow instead of pink. Every time I look at her I have to do a double take.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Guess She Doesn’t Like It

I gave Luna a small bite of cucumber and the video below shows what she thought of that. Also, my favorite part is how Ben swoops in at the end and eats the cucumber and then gives me a look that says, "What? That was a perfectly good piece of cucumber." I guess it falls under the 5 second rule for the floor, but it was in Luna's mouth for more than 5 seconds.

Luna and the Cucumber from obp on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Caption This #161

Henry, Benjamin and Luna

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cleanup Aisle 6

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

By the time they are finished that floor will shine!

Friday, July 30, 2010

How She Rolls

I took Jennifer's fun idea to make a stop motion video, combined it with Heather's catchy title and voilá! Here is another look at Luna's adventures in rolling.

How She Rolls from obp on Vimeo.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rolling with Luna

Whenever Luna catches a certain smell she feels compelled to flip herself on her back and roll around on it. When she is done, she flips herself back up and trots along like nothing every happened. The other day, I was able to get some shots of her flailing around in the grass.

First, she spots the scent and paws at it a bit.


Then she flips herself over and begins to wiggle around.






Then when she thinks she has annihilated the scent, she flips herself back up.



Once on her paws, she is back on her merry way.


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