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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Later this evening we will be picking up G-Ma from the airport. The pugs will be super excited to see her because she always brings lots of goodies in her suitcase. G-Ma's packing philosophy is to pack only the bare essentials that she needs and then fill the rest of her suitcase with goodies for the pugs and Cupid.
So, for the next few days the pugs will be spoiled beyond belief. I don't think they would have it any other way.
Friday, May 7, 2010

The pugs have been resting up this week, preparing themselves for a visit from G-Ma. They need to make sure they are well rested because it is exhausting being spoiled and eating all those extra treats that G-Ma is sure to bring. Plus, they had to get their G-Ma's day card this week. Tiring, tiring stuff. A pug's job is never done.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I try to keep the blog as pug related as possible and while it may seem that the only life I have has to do with Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol, I am very lucky to have a wonderful family. My nephew, Robbie, recently got engaged and we couldn't be happier for him and his fiancee, Rachel.
So why am I blabbing all this? Well, I have a very huge favor to ask. If you have a spare second would you be so kind to vote for my nephew in the Ultimate Wedding Contest? One winner from the 50 highest vote getters will be chosen by the judges and will have a dream wedding planned for them.
With your support Batman & Robin were able to rally & win the halloween contest for Compassionate Pug Rescue and it would mean the world to me if you could stop by and vote for Robbie & Rachel in the Ultimate Wedding Contest. Voting runs for 7 more weeks and you can vote once per day. If you could pop over and place a vote every now and again I would be extremely grateful.UPDATE: You can only vote once per entry. So if you could pop over and vote once I would be extremley grateful.
Thank you so very much pug lovers! I hope everyone has a great weekend. And to all those in the North East expecting snow I hope you are stocked up on milk & toilet paper. 
Thursday, February 4, 2010

It seems like every time we talk to G-Ma & G-Pa lately they are expecting snow in Maryland. They got a little bit of snow earlier this week and they are expecting a lot more at the end of the week.
All this talk of snow got me thinking about the boys and their romps in the white stuff. Most of their snow pictures are from when they were puppies and believe it or not I did not have a digital camera back then. So, I went digging through all of our photo albums and found these pictures of the boys out and about in the snow.
I think it is pretty cool because these pictures are from one of the biggest snow storms on record for Baltimore. Between Februrary 15-18, 2003, 28.2" of snow fell. The link shows this storm as the biggest storm in MD history, but I know they beat that mark in December 2009. But the page above hasn't been updated since 2005. In any case 28.2" is a lot of snow. I remember how the boys thought it was fun at first, but then just how quickly they got tired of it. After a certain point, they couldn't go anywhere unless a path was cleared because the snow was just too high.


Friday, December 18, 2009

As you read this, G-Ma & G-Pa are making the drive from Maryland to Florida. The pugs love it when G-Ma & G-Pa come to visit because their level of spoiledness jumps to a whole new level. G-Ma is always quick to dole out the treats and G-Pa has a nice big truck that the pugs love to ride in.
With all the action of next week, posting is going to be pretty light and fluffy around here. I'm going to mainly be posting pictures of the pugs and will most likely be pretty light on stories. Things will get back to normal the week after Christmas.
From all of us here in the OBP household, I hope everyone out there has a very happy and safe holiday season!
Monday, August 3, 2009

I thought you might enjoy another cute picture of Cousin Purrcy and Cousin Ted. As you can see Purrcy's fascination with Ted and his food continues.
Thursday, July 2, 2009

The pugs would like to welcome their new cousin Purrcival Magillicuddy into the family. Purrcy has a ton of kitten energy and is working on making friends with Ted the turtle - his older bro'. So far they are taking it one day at a time.
Friday, December 22, 2006

G-Ma and G-Pa are coming to town, so that means that the pugs are going to go from spoiled to super spoiled this week.

I hope everyone has a safe and festive holiday season! Everyone here at the Pug Blog, including Benjamin, Henry and Luna, wish you good cheer this holiday season.
To help celebrate, here are a few of our old holiday photos from before we even had Luna. Its hard to believe there was a time that little Luna wasn’t part of the pack. In any case, these photos of Benny and Henry always make me smile. Benjamin is in his Santa outfit and Henry is dressed as a reindeer and he is not one bit amused by his outfit.

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