Owned by Pugs

You are viewing entries tagged with the keyword Beach

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Caption This #181

Henry and Benjamin

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Beach Day


Saturday was gorgeous pug weather and we decided to spend the day at the beach. A lot of other people thought Saturday was a great beach day too because the beach was very crowded. There were people, dogs & kids everywhere.

We walked along the beach for a while before we found a spot to setup camp. We setup the blankets and within a few minutes the pugs had sand all over the blankets. Just they way they like them! But, you can't expect to go to the beach and not get sandy. Especially, when you have 3 pugs in tow.


A lot of dogs stopped to say hello as they passed our camp on the beach. To my surprise, I even managed to catch a dog playing fetch in the background of Benny's picture.


Henry was in need of a pair of shades because he was squinting in every picture I snapped of him.

The pugs did a lot of running around before they were finally ready to settle and take in the sights from their blankets. We were even lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the DirectTV blimp passing in front of the lighthouse.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Caption This #178

Benjamin and Luna

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Back to the Beach

Henry, Luna and Benjamin

We went to the dog beach last Friday and the pugs were super excited to be at the beach again. Fall is perfect beach weather for the pugs and as soon as their paws hit the sand they were off to the races. Luna was particularly excited and ran a few extra laps.

Benjamin, Luna and Henry

With the better weather, we have been walking more and able to take the pugs for more car rides. They are very excited to be out and about again.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

At the Inlet

Benjamin and Henry

The weather here has been gorgeous, so we thought we would take the pugs and G-Ma to the beach. I tried to get a shot of the pugs with the lighthouse in the background. As you can see, some pugs were more cooperative than others. grin


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Caption This #168

Henry, Luna and Benjamin

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Caption This #150


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fit for a King

Photo by Jennifer & Mary

We kicked off Henry's birthday with a trip to the beach, but this wasn't any ordinary trip to the beach. The pugs were going to the beach to meet longtime blog reader Jennifer and her Mom, Mary. It was so great meeting them both and the pugs simply loved them. Not only were they so very nice, they also had great petting hands and they brought a little Easter basket for the pugs. Here is a shot of Luna with Jennifer with Luna doing her very own Easter Bunny impersonation.

Photo by Jennifer & Mary

Henry was definitely on cloud nine as he got to take about a 20 minute car ride to the beach, then a short walk to the actual beach and then there was water, sand, dogs, people and lots of petting. An ideal day for him.

In addition to meeting Jennifer & Mary the pugs also met a little turtle that was hanging out on the beach.

Photo by Jennifer & Mary

And look at little Miss Luna. It looks like she is enjoying her brother's birthday fun too.

Photo by Jennifer & Mary

We spent a few hours on the beach and by the time we got back to the truck, the pugs were wiped out. We got them buckled into the car, gave them a little treat from their Easter basket and before we knew it the car was filled with a chorus of pug snoring.

When we got back home, we brushed all the sand that the pugs decided to bring home with them out of their coats and then the left the pugs to get a little nap. Later that night, it was ice cream, chewing and more snoring. I think their little beach adventure tuckered them out!

A big thank you to Jennifer & Mary for meeting us and snapping so many pictures. Thanks to them I could take a day off from being behind the camera grin

Monday, February 1, 2010

To the Beach


The pugs were all loaded up in the car and we were on our way to a park, when we decided to make an impromptu visit to the dog beach. The pugs hadn't been to the beach in months so we thought they would like it for a change. The only problem was that it wasn't an ideal beach day. It was cloudy, windy and cold. But we weren't going to let a little thing like the weather stop us. Plus, with the weather not being ideal we thought there was a good chance we would have the dog beach to ourselves and it turns out we were right.

Everyone had a good time except Sol was a bit disappointed. The lovely folks that she coaxed into giving her a hamburger the last time she was there were not at their pavilion. As soon as we passed the spot, she went to look for them. She smelled every inch of the picnic area, but alas they were not there. With no hamburgers, Sol didn't really see the fun of the beach.

Here is a little video of the pugs in action.

Pugs at the Beach from obp on Vimeo.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Beach Bums

Benjamin, Henry, Sol & Luna

On Sunday, we decided to make the most of an overcast day and we took the pugs to the beach.  We haven’t been to the beach since we adopted Sol, so I thought it would be fun to see what she thought of the sand and the salty air.  The whole trip could have bee a disaster (more to come on that), but we pulled it together and had a really good time.  The boys and Luna had fun as always and Sol really seemed to be having a good time as well.

Here are a few pics from the day.

Running along the shore

Henry running in the sand

The Girls

The Boys


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The Pug Blog chronicles the daily antics of Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol.

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