Sunday, September 13, 2015

Maybe some day we will have a Go Pro camera to attach to the outside of the car to capture what Henry looks like from the outside of the car. Until then, we will simply have to risk the life of our iphone to capture semi-decent photos. However, what I love about this photo, is that you get a part of Henry's profile where you can tell he is thoroughly loving the ride but you also get a glimpse of his little puggy mouth with his tiny crooked teeth. He just sucks in the smells through both his sweet nostrils and his half open mouth. This is Henry. Loving life. We love this kid! #HenryStrong #HankLovesHisCarRides
Thursday, September 10, 2015

While Larry Fornari Sr. Park is not the substitute for Doris Leeper, we felt like we should give a proper name to the place where we take Henry to enjoy the smells of the people beach. This is the little area where the spot stealers were. The park is named after a former Daytona Beach Shores Mayor.
This little area is a great place for Henry since there are many sniffortunities, an area that is shady, and if we are lucky the area is quite enough that we can sneak him on the people beach. Fortunately we have had a good gut instinct with regards to the beach PO PO. We have not yet been popped by them. We are shooting for a clean record.
Henry did not really want to pose for a photo with the sign so we are using this photo where one can interpret that he is reading the sign for himself. Henry used to be a master poser but that is one of things that has gone away over the last year. He's still #HenryStrong to us, though even if he doesn't sit for photos anymore.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sorry, Doris Leeper, we are done with you for a while. The last few walks at Doris Leeper park (one of our former faves) has been dropped from our rotation until winter. We were overlooking the tall grasses that started to grow in the center of the path, the possible homeless camp that seemed to be forming and whatever critters were digging holes all over. However, our LAST trip to Leeper will be our last for until we get a freeze around here (which could mean not until January 2020).
Here is the reason: bugs. Many many bugs. Swarming bugs. We are not even sure what kind of bugs they were. They seemed like a tiny moth. They definitely were not mosquitoes or flies. Who knows? They could have been termites in the pre-lose their wings phase. I kid you not, though, they were ALL OVER everything. Including us! And even Henry who tends to be oblivious to most things seemed downright annoyed. So, for now, Doris Leeper park is off the schedule.
#OBPOnTheHuntForNewPark #LeeperWasTooBuggy #IfThisWasAnElectionDorisTheIncumbentWouldBeVotedOutOfOffice
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

About a week ago we shared that Henry's protein levels had dropped and that we were working on tweaking his diet and meds to get him back on the right track. We are happy to share that his protein levels are on the rise. His poops have been better (still not ideal but good enough to be sure that he's building his protein intake). We will continue to stay on our current plan (which is easy to digest kibble and oily fish) and recheck his blood in 4 weeks. He had a decent jump in the 2 week time span so given 4 weeks, we expect him to be "normal" by next month. Paws crossed.
#HenryStrong #HenryYou'veGotThis #KeepBuildingYourProteinLevels #OurPlanIsWorking
Monday, September 7, 2015

Well, so far, so good. Your questions have given us ample subjects to cover! Keep the questions coming! And thank you!
Today's question is from Christine. She asked about our pugs' ability to go airborne. She indicated that some little puggy had stolen her cheese right off the counter top! Naughty naughty puggy! Now that is a pug with some spectacular jumping ability!
Christine, your little Vito has mad skills! Our Benny also had quite a proficiency for jumping! Actually, in a different post, I am now sadly regretful that I forgot to include an old favorite nickname we had given Baby Benny as a young pup. That nickname was Mexican Jumping Bean. Benny was quite the jumper! Whenever we were prepping in the kitchen he would just jump and jump and jump so that he could see what it was. He would get enough clearance to see it but he would not have the flexibility to grab anything (plus we would place it far enough back that there would be no way he could reach it). But he was quite the jumper! So, yes, Christine, we had one acrobat among them. The others would leap onto the sofa, but nothing like Benny would.
There was one time that Luna made a leap that almost gave the boys a heart attack. When I worked from home, my daily routine was to eat lunch in front of the television on the coffee table while watching SportsCenter. Since food was involved, the boys and Luna would happily sit next to me on the floor hoping to get any little bite they could. On this day I was eating a hot pocket and a salad (super healthy, I know). In the middle of lunch, the doorbell rang. I got up to get the door not thinking anything about leaving food on the coffee table. The boys would never dare to take food without permission and I assumed that newly adopted Luna would follow their lead. When I returned from the door I turned around to find lettuce all over the living room floor and Luna standing in the middle of the table just wagging her tail. Benjamin and Henry, were sitting nicely next to the table with terrified looks on their faces as they knew their sister was in a world of trouble. Knowing it was all my fault for leaving the food in such an easy to reach spot, I playfully fussed at Luna and put on her the floor. In a matter of minutes she managed to scarf down the last few bites of my hot pocket (the very best part, I might add) and rummage through my salad to eat all the bacon bits. She was so proud of herself!
Its not quite the same as counter surfing, but I have posted my all time favorite photo of the boys. Benny clearly catches good wind in this photo and this was typical Benjamin. He would fly through the air whether it be getting height off a sliding board or taking flight off the sofa or trying to jump on the counter tops. All of this seems so long ago since in his elder years he could no longer get up on or down from the sofa without assistance. #sigh
OBP signing off for week 7 of Ask OBP!
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Happy Labor Day everyone! Hopefully you all are celebrating the same way we doing NO LABOR! Team OBP is taking a much needed long weekend this weekend! Enjoy!
Thursday, September 3, 2015

There was another question asked in a separate email by Martha and it came in a little late (insomnia anyone?). Martha asked if it is a pool table that is seen in the background of photos at the OBP home. And yes, Martha, it is! Sadly, it has barely been used and is probably the one and only true regret that we have about our home. This would be the formal dining room according to the blue print. We did not expect to "entertain" as much as we do and a dining room table, in hindsight, would be way more practical. If you all know anyone in the market that wants to buy it, tell them to email us.

Now, you all have had a week long of lengthy blogs to read. So, I hope this short and sweet Friday was a relief! Monday is Labor Day and we will still have a post that day (but it will be short, too). So, for now, just have a great 3 day weekend!
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