Monday, July 7, 2014
Windy Day
Right before Benny passed, we had a post about how windy days were his favorite types of days. Well, thanks to Sue VDB Benny may smell all the smells on every windy day now. He will be in the sun and shade (depending on the time of the day) and we still get to see his happy good boy face smiling as we drive up to our home. This flag was a beautiful gift from Sue. She also sent one when Solsey passed.
These flags have offered us much comfort and warm memories. Solsey's flag, now faded from the harsh Florida sunshine, still lays in the pile of various garden flags that we have and while it isn't really in a state where we can display it any longer, we give a good hug when we swap out our flags for holidays or seasonal needs.
This one of Benny will hang, too, until the sun beats it down beyond recognition. But the memories will never fade. Not of Solsey and not of Benny. Forever in our hearts live these precious puggers.
We kind of ruined the surprise of the flag when we posted the 4th of July photo. However, we couldn't pass up having Henry and Luna pose with Benny's flag and the American flags we posted for the holiday.
Again, many thanks Sue who we hope is well on her way to recovery. If you haven't heard, Sue fell and broke her hip. I hear she is doing quite well, but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Love the Benny tribute flag——what a thoughtful gift.
SueVDB—-I hope you are doing well—you are in our thoughts and prayers!