Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Will Do Anything for Belly Rubs


The other evening I was laying on the sofa catching a few minutes of rest, when Henry made his way onto the sofa and precariously balanced himself on the edge. He then flipped himself backwards and looked at me as if to say, "Here is my belly. Pet it."

I've never met a dog that likes to be pet as much as Henry. He never tires of petting. I have even said to myself, I am going to pet Henry until he walks away or falls asleep. Needless to say, I broke way before he did! After 45 minutes my hands were tired!

Do your pugs like petting as much as Henry does?

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Toby just rolls on his back and expects belly rubs

Lori V


Gracie is the same way.  She basically throws herself onto you so that you have to belly rub her and will stay like that forever!



Oh yes, my Toby loves them also. He will paw at my hand if I stop for a brief second!  He could lay there all day and have his belly rubbed.



Maybe it’s a pug thing?  Gracie will jump onto my husband’s lap (mine is usually full of the other two) and flip herself back and say, “Well…” and even after HE thinks SHE’S had enough, SHE doesn’t and won’t leave.  Silly pug.  Must be a genetic thing.

sue states


Solsie does not ask for tummy rubs but Daisey usually starts her day with the mandatory tummy rub-Solsie is kinda odd. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

sue wooding


all six of mine love there tummys to be rubbed every morning when I get up my Toby will not get off the bed till I rub his tummy and kiss it silly pug



Meiling only let’s my husband rub her belly.  When Norm walks in the room—- she automatically flips over for the rub and it is only for a few minutes!!!



All my pugs like to be scratched all over but my youngest, Bugsy, likes his belly scratched just like Henry, same position too.



CoCo only wants me to pet her if food is involved!  She is the opposite of a pug, she’s like a cat but I know her being a rescue and having a horrible background attributed to her ways.  :(



I always called my Angel the queen of the belly rubs; if you walked into a room wherever she was, she gave you the look like “rub my belly now please”!

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