Thursday, July 3, 2014
Where’s the Beef?
So, not only have we been indulging in retail therapy, the pugs have also been using food as a coping mechanism. (Like pugs don't turn to food for every emotion! LOL)
But we were actually getting a bit worried because Henry was not as interested in eating since Benny's passing. Luna, however, was the opposite. She was all, "Feed the pain! Feed the pain!" Her chant of barks in a succession of 2 3-bark episodes literally sounded like that is what she was saying. After the barks, she would then scurry to the kitchen for more nom noms.
A trip to the local burger shop was one of the car rides and pain pacifiers on tap. We buckled and got Luna & Henry a burger to share. Luna decided this was better than the Big Mac she once craved. She recognized that straight meat is better than any old special sauce, lettuce, pickles, blah blah. Just give her the meat! (*Hmm. Don't say that out loud around a teen aged boy! He would likely get the wrong impression about what type of website this IS! hahahahaha!)
The beef also got Henry back on the eating bandwagon. Hooray for the pugs. They found the beef and are back on track with a more regular eating schedule again. A little more for Henry, a little less for Looney.
Melissa & Bosco
Poor guys. There is a hole in my heart for Benny and I am just a follower…I cannot begin to imagine how all of you are coping. I am sure it is day to day. We all love you and hope that you are healing.