Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where’s Luna

Benjamin and Henry

As we were trying to get the pugs lined up to take a picture in front of the lake, Luna was no where to be found.

While Luna is a very good girl, don't let her fool you. She can be quite stubborn. Luna is at her best when her agenda corresponds with my agenda. If she is on a different page and has something else on her mind, her listening skills can be a little poor.

The picture proves my point exactly. While I was trying to get the pugs to pose for a picture, Luna was off looking for some bird poop by the edge of the lake. The girl has a weird thing about bird poop.

The boys, on the other hand, were more than happy to sit and wait while I went and rounded up Luna.

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Okay we’re waiting"lol,very nice photo.



What good boys! Still diggin’ the camo harness Henry. Benny, your wrinkles still look smoochable! And Looney Tunes, your ‘stubborn’ attitude is so ‘girly’. Tell your Mama that you will join the boys when you are ready!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me.



Miss Luna, in all your divine diva-ness   lol
as for the bird poop thing…  don’t be like Puglet, I’ve read his blog from time to time, and he gets into trouble with poo…
Henry and baby Benny…  smooches to you guys for listening to your momma!!!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


OMG, I swear Luna and Lucy are sisters! Goose poop, deer poop, rabbit poop, her own, it doesn’t matter. We have to watch her like a hawk outside! My husband said just last night that he thought maybe Lucy was getting a little hard of hearing because she was ignoring his invitation to come get in bed. We’d turned off the lights in the living room and retired to the bedroom and Pen and I were already in the bed-but Lucy stayed curled up on the sofa in the dark no matter how many times he called her. I told him, “Oh, she can hear you, she just wants you to pick her up and carry her in here. She is the princess, after all.” And what did he do? You got it, went back in and picked her up! She knows how to get exactly what she wants.



Corrine thanks for my morning smile and chuckle Luna is typical female



Last try



Well it’s about time…I’ve been feeling ousted by not being able to comment in a month grrrr



Great photo of Henry and Benny.
What is about Pugs and Poop? They love to roll in it. Maybe they do it on purpose so they can get a bath afterwards?

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Pat, Luna seems content with the littler poo while Puglet delights in large, economy sizes such as cow poo so I guess Luna is erring on the side of caution.  Frankly, I don’t understand either attraction but then, I don’t have four legs, a smooshed up face, or a body that it only inches from the ground.  Maybe things just smell and taste different down there.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Lucy and Pen’s Mommy - I gather Lucy is not the 24# chug-a-lug Gracie is.  Carrying to bed would not be happening very many times before she was enrolled in Weight Watchers.  Don’t we do some nutty things that only other pug owners would admit to?  And don’t we love every minute of it (well, most minutes).



Ruby is good too, but she has been known to wander away in search of prime crickets to eat.  EW!  Don’t you know that HER agenda is YOUR agenda always?  LOL!



Little Luna has a mind of her own.  Just like my Toby

Steve Lindhurst


I can’t say about “strange” poop, but it’s been said if you feed your dog pineapple she will at least not eat his/her own poop ‘cause it makes it taste bad.  Don’t have to give ‘em a lot, just mix some in their food.  They seem to like it first time around but aren’t fond of “recycled pineapple”.  We use the ground up kind in a can.  I hope that helps.



Wowwee! You guys all have me chuckling here! Especially you Huckle! Oh my gosh, I can’t stop laughing. 24# chug a lug! And enrolling her in weight watchers! oooweee that cracked me up!

And Steve, I’d never heard of the pineapple thing. Very interesting. My sister’s dog Frank (who has since passed away)used to eat his poo so she called the vet and was given medicine that would make his poo taste bad. Ok, two things here 1. I thought she had to sprinkle the medicine on the poo in the yard so he wouldn’t eat it and my thought was, pick it up instead of sprinkling something on it!! Duh! It was a pill you gave the dog. 2. You mean poo doesn’t taste bad enough on it’s own?!!! You have to make them take a pill or feed them something to make it taste bad?!!!! Good Lord! I’m thinking way too much about this!!!

Funny stuff everyone!

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Oh, Gina, you’ve got a great point and I’m ashamed to admit, the idea didn’t hit me before….“You mean poo doesn’t taste bad enough on it’s own?”  I’ll chuckle over this one for awhile!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Hahaha, Huckle, the only reason Lucy is not a 24# chug-a-lug is because she’s constantly ON weight watchers! I still can’t keep her under 18#, tho’. For the poop eating we give her (and Pen, so she won’t eat his) a spoonful of pumpkin with each meal. They LOVE it, it’s the first thing they eat out of their bowls. It’s not as foolproof as pineapple but it helps a lot. Pineapple doesn’t agree with Lucy’s tummy, I think the acid makes her toss her cookies. We still have to watch her outside though (maybe we should leave bowls of pumpkin out for the deer and rabbits!)

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