Owned by Pugs

Friday, March 28, 2008

What are you most looking forward to this Spring?


I know it has been a long, rough winter for many of you, but hopefully signs of better weather are starting to show up here and there.  My question for all you pug lovers out there is what are you most looking forward to doing with your pug this Spring?

Here are some of the things I am looking forward to doing with Benjamin, Henry & Luna:

  • Swimming:  The pool water should be warm enough for swimming soon.  Weekend afternoons splashing around in the pool are my favorite.
  • The Beach: It is warm enough to go to the beach now, but the ocean water is still too chilly for me.  I love going to the beach with the pugs and floating with Henry, up and down over the waves, on the boogie board.
  • Long walks: Spring is good weather for the pugs because it is not too hot.  As soon as summer comes along we have to cut our walks way short because it is just too hot for the puggies.
  • Playing in the yard: In good weather, after work, I like to grab an insane amount of toys and plop them in the backyard.  Benny, Henry & Luna run around, chasing each other and picking up toys that are in their path.  Plus, since none of the pugs are any good at fetch, it gives me lots of toys to throw to have them chase without me having to constantly fetch the toy myself.

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Looking forward to the walks as well with my two puggers! Also we are looking forward to the dog park having more dogs there to play and run with!

Darci and Abbey the Pug


I can’t wait to take Abbey running to express some of her endless energy!  I also can’t wait to play fetch in the backyard.  Abbey is great at fetch and in the house, she can’t run nearly as fast as outside.  Happy Spring everyone!!!



Hello All… very much looking forward to spring! We are from Nova Scotia, and today started out with rain, now it is changing to snow.  Hopefully it won’t stay around for long!!  As always it is wonderful to hear about Benny, Henry & Luna and their adventures. Our pug, Mr. Skittles is almost 18 months old, and keeps us quite busy.
We like going for walks and playing in the yard. Have a great weekend!
Pugs & Kisses



We’re looking forward to working on Angel’s behavior at outdoor restaurants, so we can take her with us.



We are most looking forward to walks!

Eryn with a Y


Spring marks the arrival of Lucy, the first pug in my household smile

Carla End


Congrats Eryn!  Enjoy the fresh “puppy breath” while you can.  grin 

We are looking forward to the pug meetups at the local parks.  There’s nothing like seeing 20 or so pugs walking or running around together, and spring is much safer for doing that.  Winter would be great, too, but it’s so darn cold! wink  hee, hee



My favortie thing to do in the spring with Bogart , my 2 year old pug, is to take him to the large field by my apartment, set him loose and let him “blitz”. I love to watch him run in circles and get his pint up energy out. And he loves to be a wild man for about 30 minutes. Its great for both of us!



Ah, can’t wait for the lake weekends! Our pug Sonny and our irish setter Maggie (the odd couple) run and swim with our friends’ dogs for two days straight—and collapse for a long hard sleep when we get home.



I am looking forward to bringing Ruby and DD to the park.  Ruby is content to lie in the grass or stand on my lap and watch the kids intently for a while, but after a bit if we don’t let her run up the climbing structure and go down the slide she gets very upset LOL!  She runs around and slides down as many times as she can before we tell her it is time to go home.

That picture is BEAUTIFUL!



I am looking forward to having our own backyard to let Indy and Gus race around in! Gus loves to play fetch and I enjoy watching Indy sniff the flowers. smile



Ahhh, I look forward to walks, boat rides, campfires, sunshine on my face, the beach….sigh



Ahhh…Spring, when a young Pug’s fancy turns to LOVE - love for BBQ’d hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob - virtually all yummy Spring and Summer treats!  I “fall for the fur” every time they stand by the BBQ with their little noses twitching back and forth like Samantha the Witch, hoping that a burger will magically fly off the grill and into their drooling little mouths.



Don’t hate me - but I live in So. Cali. - it’s always sunny…....
I guess my boys are looking forward to the fact that the sun is out longer and they get evening balcony time with mommy.



My husband loves Spring because it is time to plant the garden.  My Pug, Emmitt, loves Spring because he loves to hunt for vegetables. smile



We’re looking forward to the weather being warm enough to sit outside on the patio at our favorite coffee shops, then Giggs can come for coffee too!

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