Owned by Pugs

Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekend Kickoff

Benjamin, Luna and Henry

After a long work week, the weekend got off to a fantastic start Friday evening by spending quality time in the yard with the pugs and Cupid. We soaked up what was left of the sun and enjoyed the perfect weather. I can't think of a better way to unwind.

And, of course, Benjamin brought puffy out in the yard too!

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aw now this made my morning wish i were there with you a very lovely photo hugs and kisses to you sweet ones glad you enjoyed the weekend.



Looks like a perfect start to the weekend I love Henry licking his nose



You’ve got it right Corrine.  Pugs and sunshine, but mostly pugs, are a lovely way to unwind, and I’m not forgetting Cupid either.  I might not have noticed Puffy if you hadn’t mentioned it…Benny has to have his love with him to make it right, lol.

sue states


Perfect indeed! Week end with family in the back yard just relaxing & maxing. Pug hugs to all from the Colorado 4



Love the picture and it melts my heart that Baby Benny brought his puffy! That is so sweet.

We are still watching the doxie and she hates wind. And it was pretty windy yesterday so trying to get her to go potty outside was a challenge. That was fun! NOT.  smile Poor little sweetheart. smile

Pug Hugs to all from Bella, Susie Dog & me



Oh Goodness!!  Looks like a nice evening for relaxing in the back yard.  I thought that was puffy in the background!



If you’re looking for true quality time, it’s a given that Puffy must be there!  Which I think is very endearing of Benjamin ♥

Can’t help but notice that Mimo has gotten even bigger!!



Yes, I was just thinking about puffy but afraid to ask for fear he’d made disintegrated end.  Boom-boom seems ready to get to puffy in 3 seconds flat should either of the other 2 make a run for it.

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