Owned by Pugs

Monday, March 25, 2013

Watering Hole

Benjamin and Luna

I wish every park we went to had a doggie water fountain. It is super convenient and it allows the pugs to rehydrate in the middle of their walk. Plus, it means I can leave the water in the car and don't have to lug it on our walk since I know there is a fountain nearby.

The funny thing is that Benny was afraid of the water fountain the first few times he encountered it. Luna wasn't too keen on it either. They kept waiting for it to fill up like a water bowl and wanted me to turn the fountain off before they started to drink. I guess they didn't want the fountain to splash on them, which is hysterical if you have seen either one of them at a regular water bowl. Both of them are super messy drinkers and Benny inevitably drags his neck wrinkles in the bowl.

Henry loves the fountain as it gives him a chance to channel his inner big dog. He doesn't drink from the bowl part, instead he drinks straight from the fountain.

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Oh, this is great!  I know all too well about lugging around water everywhere we go.  My Toby won’t drink from “community” water bowls….He wants his very own bowl of water.  If he see another dogs drinking from a bowl, he won’t go anywhere near it.  I’m glad yours will! grin))



I guess pugs are just messy drinkers cause mine are too. I have a rubber mat with edges and then I put about an inch of newspapers on that and then their water bowls. The floor still gets wet!!!! The dog fountain is such a good idea.



I keep the water bowls on trays and have matts in front of them but the gang still get water all over the floor and I have a boxer who puts his whole face in the water then wants to put his head on you to dry off



There is a park near us with a dog bowl fountain, too.  Bennie will not use it, so we’ve come up with an approach he’ll accept.  One of us puts our hands in the bowl and cups the water.  He’ll drink from our hands.



What a great, simple idea for a dog park.  I can just picture Benny’s conundrum.  None of the three are messy drinkers, however Cooper2   slops water all over the place within a radius of a foot.  Abby drinks with a slurp slurp slurp, pause, slurp slurp slurp.  Any one else?

Pen & Lucy's Mommy


We keep a rubber backed rug under their bowls, although I’m not sure why because both of them drip water all the way to the other side of the kitchen!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Fortunately Annie is not a messy drinker or eater.  Neither is Missy, but she is very slow. 

As picky as Annie is, she probably would not drink from a community bowl, although she finally quit insisting on her personal water bowl that had to be replenished with fresh water every time she wanted a drink.  That was a relief.

Henry, you go big boy.  You are so smart to figure the way around a community bowl.

Martha, have to laugh at Bennie’s take on community water.



What a way to get cool.  Awesome idea, wish we had fountains in dog parks… wish we had dog parks lol
They are just too cute for words!! xo

Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!

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That’s an expert answer to an interesting question

You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!

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