Owned by Pugs

Monday, September 17, 2012

Warm Fuzzies Requested


In the wee hours of Wednesday morning something weird happened - Luna got out of bed and went to the yard to go potty. For most dogs this would not be considered much of event, the boys go out in the middle of the night to go potty pretty regularly, but Luna never, ever needs to go out before her morning walk.

On her morning walk, when she went potty, I noticed blood in her urine. I was alarmed, but didn't flip out about the blood because I figured the likely culprit was a urinary track infection. The earliest vet appointment I could get was Thursday.

On Thursday, Luna and I made the trip to the vet. In addition to taking a urine sample, I also talked to the vet about her cough that Luna had developed a few months ago but had been treated as acid reflux. The cough was not only not getting better but was now getting worse especially over the last few days.

When they examined Luna's urine, they did not see any indications of a urinary track infection. Other than the fact that there was blood in the urine everything looked right.

Luna was prescribed antibiotics even though it didn't seem like she had a urinary tract infection, something is clearly wrong. We didn't want to waste time waiting to see if the antibiotics would work within the week. We chose for proactive investigation. Our vet suggested that if we were going to do everything, we should bring her back the next day to get a sonogram done on her bladder and a chest X-Ray done, too, to see what might be causing her cough.

Friday, Luna had her tests done. The chest X-Rays revealed some "consolidation" on her right lung. It could be pneumonia, but it did not look like what a typical case of pneumonia looks like on an X-Ray. The sonogram on her bladder revealed that one of the walls on her bladder showed some thickening. There was also sediment in the bladder. The most concerning part about the bladder is that thickening on the walls is concentrated on one side. In a typical bladder infection case, the walls of the entire bladder would be thickened rather than centralized in one area.

After the X-Ray and and the sonogram, we still didn't have anything definitive to worry about (but that never stopped us from worrying before), but things certainly were not looking good for real.

The main concern is that Luna might have a tumor on her bladder. But, we don't know for sure. It could just be that Luna's bladder infection is just not as conventional as a usual bladder infection. A blood test was also done and it revealed that Luna's white blood cell count was on the high side of normal, BUT it was still in the normal range.

So for the time being Luna is on antibiotics. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the antibiotics will clear up everything. But in the meantime, bloodwork was sent out for a full panel and cultures on her urine were sent out to find out more about the cells in her urine.

After her first course of antibiotics, Luna will have another sonogram to see how the walls of her bladder look. If still thickened only in the one spot, a biopsy will be in order. A downside of a biopsy on the bladder is that if tumor is cancerous, the needle prick will release the cancerous cells into the rest of her body. So, while we don't want to delay it, we also do not want to rush the biopsy.

The best case scenario is that the antibiotics clear everything up. I am hoping against all hope that this is the case. (We should have lab results by Wednesday or Thursday. Until then….holding our breath.)

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oh no please know we are keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers and know we are here as we will pray for our miss luna she is so very precious please give her a warm hug and kiss for us.



I am sending lots of positive good thoughts your way. Fingers are crossed the antibiotics clear everything up & Luna is a-ok. Keep smiling & stay strong xx



Oh God, I am sick to my stomach reading this. You all have our constant thoughts and prayers. Miss Luna is so very precious to us all. Stay strong pretty little girl. Praying antibiotics clear this up ASAP.

Such a pretty picture of the Miss.

Love you all. Please please keep us posted and give her big kisses from us!!!!!!



I don’t usually comment but Your blog and your puggies are a part of me.  I am praying with all my heart that sweet baby Luna will be ok.  I love you, Luna…I wish I could give you a great big hug!

Julie L.


WE LOVE YOU, LUNA!  And your whole family!  Luna knows that her family loves her, too, and will take the very best care of her.  xoxoxo



Oh My Goodness!!!  Miss Luna and family, prayers and hugs being sent your way from us. We hope all will be well when the results arrive… it will be torture until wednesday smile
Take care, be strong!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


This not the way to wake up in a morning.  St. Francis I am calling on you to help our little Luna and cause a very good outcome.  She is so precious, not only to her immediate family, but to her OBP family as well.



I can’t stop praying and want to cry. On the bus and barely holding it together. Luna baby I am sending you healing vibes pretty girl. You are a part of all of our hearts!!!!!



I usually don’t comment but read your blog every weekday morning.  I am sending you big positive vibes for Loonie.  I know she’ll be fine and big hugs for all of you xoxo

mary castagnoli


I’m adding my prayers and hopeful wishes that the antibiotics do the trick and your Wednesday news is Brilliantly Good.  After all - LUNA is such a unique and special pugger - it stands to reason that her symptoms would not be “run-of-the-mill-normal” for bladder infection.
Please, St. Francis, send extra blessings to LUNA and her family.
LUNA:  Your OBP family is forming a very strong prayer circle with you at the center, baby gir.  We love you.



I know that I rarely comment but I never miss reading your blog. I love the comraderie and compassion that I see here.I know I’m not alone in saying I feel like I “know” and love your pugs. I am praying for you and Luna and good test reports from the vet.



Sending positive thoughts for Luna. I hope the antibiotics do the trick.



Oh Looney Tunes, We all love you like you are ours. Praying that the anti-biotics will clear all of this up. Corrine, you and your family are so important to all of us and a huge part of our lives. Please feel our love, thoughts and prayers around you. God Bless.

Pug Hugs and prayers from Bella & me.



I discovered your blog a few months ago am now a faithful reader.  I’m hoping Ms. Luna is ok after her round of antibiotics. She’s such a special little girl.



My prayers to Luna, Mama and brothers.
St. Francis will care for you.

Jenna Moulton


Oh Luna, Jade, Corey and I are sending you as much good juju as we can.  Rest up and get better so your folks can stop worrying (like that ever happens)  All our love!



I am praying the antibiotics do the trick Corrine I know you must be so worried I got filled up reading this I feel like we are one big family please let us know when you get the results sending a big hug to you Miss Luna and mommy Corrine

Janice, two pugs and a boxer mix


I too look forward to reading about your babies daily, but rarely comment, however, from my babies to yours, our prayers are with Miss Luna.  This world is a better place with her in it.  Benny and Henry, give your sister a big, wet pug kiss from us in Ridgeway,SC.



Oh sweet Luna…  Yes, I will pray for healing from the antibiotics doing their job, and lots of hugs and caring to Looney.  Please smother her with kisses from all of us!  ♥♥♥ to Luna.

And Corrine, I will also pray for comfort for you.  I have always been impressed with the way you intelligently proceed through problems and concerns with your beloved pets.  I just wish that there wasn’t a new issue to deal with.

Huckle + Swamp Pugs, Abby, Gracie + Georgie


Mary, I like your take on Looney’s problem.  It is one to hold on to.

For the first time in my life, I have wished a UTI on someone.  But here goes Luna!  Ahh, the fun of being female (sorry guys - you’ll never know).

Since there are no immediate answers for Luna’s problem, this has made a very long, hard weekend for you, I imagine.  Did you wait to spare us until today?  That is so like you, Corrine.  This isn’t even the middle of the day and look how many responses OBP already has.  And each one of us has a prayer for you and a prayer for Looney.  What a blessed little pug.

I am mentioning the next because I know how supportive we all can be.  This past week I learned of a darling little hydrocephalic bulldog pup (7 weeks old) who passed despite the Herculean efforts of his foster family (Diane Messer). I cried my eyes out but I think his story is important or I wouldn’t have mentioned it. His family could use a prayer or two.  “Saving Boo” on Facebook will tell his story if anyone is interested.  I found it through my following of “Wobbie the Pug”, (Patti Levay) also on Facebook.  Wobbie is also a hydrocephalic (pug) pup and his story, pictures and videos are terrific and worth a chuckle or two as you follow him.  These two stories remind us that there are Angels taking care of Angels on this earth.

And there are miracles and our Luna is certainly deserving of one.



So sorry to hear this about Luna.  I hope everything is okay and you receive positive news.  I’ll be thinking of you and Luna.



Send all sorts of positive vibes your way and hoping that the antibiotics make everything all better! 👏



we’re sending good thoughts of a speedy recovery to little luna. i hope that when yo get the results the answer will be clear and everything will clear up fast. those mystery illnesses are the worst.



Oh poor Luna!!!  Good luck and hope your meds make you feel better!

We also follow Baby Boo and Wobbie the Pug on fb - they are absolutely adorable and it’s amazing the sacrifice they go through taking care of those little babies. RIP Baby Boo :(



This has been weighing on my mind and my heart.  I pray that little Luna comes through this with flying colors and many more fun years.  Corrine, I pray for your family, I know the stress of waiting for answers.  Love to all the pugs and pug parents out there—give your little ones an extra kiss and snuggle.



Oh Luna—We are sending you lots and lots of pug love your way.  We hope that the antibiotics clear everything up and you are all better…..poor baby.  Our Tinkerbelle had a huge bladder stone removed last year and is now suffering from hearing loss.  We can handle these easily remedied things so I am not sure how we would handle something so unknown.  You’ll be in our thoughts and prayers….make sure you grab all the pug love we are sending your way!

Clarabelle the pug and her mom, Kerry

Minnie and Mack


All of us send prayers and lots of puggie juju Lina’s way.  Please keep us posted. 

We have our paws crossed as well.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

lee & faye


Precious little Luna—-our thoughts are with you. Hopefully it is nothing serious. Your 3 are so sweet…we all love pugs and can empathize with you.
Pug hugs     Lee & Faye

Hellen Norton


Sweet Luna..know we all love you and will pray that the Vet and Mom and Dad will find the problem!

pug mama


Oh Luna, baby doll, all the get well soon wishes are upon you that I have.  I will pray that the antibiotics do the trick too.  You are such a sweet lovebug, I am betting that you are taking this all like the little champ you are.  Sending your whole family lots of warm fuzzies to help with the worries over what is going on with ya baby girl.

sue states


Little Luna, I am praying for you & your family that you will be alright very soon-just a simple infection. Be well baby girl, be well. Pug hugs from Pastor Sue & the colorado 2

Corrine - OBP


Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the well wishes, good thoughts and support! I can’t tell you how much it means to us.

We are still waiting on the test results, but Luna is doing good.  Other than going out to pee a few extra times a day (and the blood in the urine) Luna is as happy as ever.  As I type, she is chewing on a bone that she just snagged from Benny when he stopped chewing to get a drink of water.

As soon as I have the results I will let you know.



Yeah Looney…ha!  Love that she snatched Ben’s bone. *giggle*

Constant Prayers and thoughts still heading your way.

Give that lovely lady a smooch from us!

Steve Lindhurst


My thoughts, hopes and prayers are out there for Luna and her humans.  My sentiments are much the same as everybody elses in this blog, I don’t think I could add much and I don’t wish to waste anyones valuable time that could be spent thinking of or praying for Luna.  God Bless.



Yes, Luna has been on my mind all day, too.  I am always impressed by dogs ability to “carry on” in the face of physical difficulties.  And you made me smile, with your description of her chewing on the bone just vacated by her brother : )  Love that Looney-girl ♥



Luna is in our prayers and thoughts——be well!



Sendin very positive thoughts and prayers your way!  Please keep us posted.



Poor Luna. Hope everything turns out ok for her.

Mary Ann


Luna reminds me so much of my first pug.  I’m sending all of you best wishes and some bacon for Luna.  Luna, be nice and share.

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