Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Waiting for the Tooth Fairy

Henry, his tooth and the rawhide bone that broke it

A few days before his birthday, Henry was chewing a rawhide bone on the sofa.  He was steadily chewing and I walked to the kitchen to do something.  The next thing I hear is a surprisingly loud *snap* sound and when I look in the direction of the sound, I see Henry in mid air like a startled cat.  As soon as he lands, he jumps off the sofa and is eyeing the sofa like it just attacked him.  I walk over to see what is going on and I see Henry’s rawhide bone along with something white laying on the sofa.  I look at the white thing a little bit harder and I notice that it is a tooth!  I immediately turn to Henry and he looks fine, other than the fact that he is now afraid of the sofa.  In fact, he is so fine that he wants me to give him his bone back so that he can finish chewing.  I call him over, make him sit and pry open his mouth.  Sure enough he snapped part of his fang off!  Exactly, how he did this will remain a mystery, but I am thinking that he got his fang caught in the rawhide bone and used his paws to pull the bone away from his mouth.  In doing this, he broke his tooth.

Other than being scared of the sofa, he had no reaction.  He even went over to the toy bin and got another bone!  There was no blood, and there appeared to be no discomfort on Henry’s part.  So I did what any good pug mom would do.  I made him get his picture taken with the offending bone and his tooth.

Rawhide bone and Henry's tooth

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Jennifer M. Davis


Oh, poor Henry!!!  Now he is lopsided in the Fang Department!  How long did it take before he got back on the couch?

Andrea G.


Oh goodness, poor Henry!!  Too funny that all he wanted to do was to keep chewing!  Funny puggie smile



I hope the tooth fairy brings Henry some pugkin bread, and the tooth doesn’t give him any probs!.



Oh Poor Henry Boy…I hope that it doesn’t cause him any issues or pain!!  That is one pearly white tooth I must say!  Henry, do you use Colgate Whitening Toothpaste???



It’s a pretty fang and I hope the tooth fairy was very generous with poor little Henry. Don’t be afraid of the sofa Henry, it really is a nice place to rest.

sue s


Will Henry need to get bridge work done? Poor Henry, now the couch will have one less puggie! Poor Couch! Hope the tooth fairy brings you a softer bone to chew!



OH NO!! POor Henry!!
I hope he is ok.. I am sure you will have it checked the next time he goes to the vet.. smile

That must have been really scary!!



Poor Henry - at least he is okay.  That happened to my baby, Milo (may he rest in peace) when he was chewing one time.  Losing a fang is tough!  Hang in there, Henry.  The couch isn’t your enemy!



Ohhhhh, Baby Boy!



Oh no!

That happened to Indy except I didn’t notice till she was panting away that she is short one bottom fang! Hers got knocked out when she did a face dive on the patio I think…

Silly pugs!



OHMYGOSH!! Poor Henry!!



That picture is pitiful!  and your comment about what a good pug mom does, pull out the clicky thing!  Too funny.
Maybe Henry needs to see a reconstruction dentist? Maybe get a crown? ha!

Ivy M. Andrews


I agree with Sleighbelle. Henry should have a crown put on his tooth. Maybe even a gold one to flash at all the girls.



Ivy, that would be hysterical!  A pug with a grill!!!



how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

frank the pug


ggggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrr .  wwwwwwwwooooooofffffff stupid fairy. never hurt my relative !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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