Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 24, 2012

Waiting for Santa

Henry, Luna and Benjamin

Three little pugs that are pretty sure they are Santa's good list.

We have a super busy week ahead, so rather than not posting, I am just going to share pictures of Benjamin, Henry & Luna. No stories until sometime soon after the first of the year. Sorry for the lack of detail. Hopefully, the pictures will be worth a 1,000 words wink

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Benjamin, Henry and Luna are definitely on Santa’s good list.  Merry Christmas to all and thank you for sharing the adventures of your adorable pugs with us this year!

sue states


Merry Christmas & will enjoy the pictures and wait in anticipation for the comments. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the ‘I,m dreaming of a white Christmas” colorado 2

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


These three (and QP) are definitely on Santa’s good list.  While we enjoy the pictures, Corrine we wish you wnd yours a very Merry Christmas. 

I am going to enjoy Annie’s first Christmas in a home where she is loved and will be spoiled. I will miss you Romeo and Minnie, but you are in my heart.

Merry Christmas dear OBP friends



Merry Christmas to all in the OBP family!!!

Love to you all!

Janice,2 Pugs and a Boxer Mix


To all the OBP family members, may each of you have a Merry Christmas.  Corrine, thank you for allowing us to be a part of yours and your babies lives.  It is truly a blessing to read each and every post whether it is through laughter, smiles or tears.  I am sure that QP will keep the pugs in line for Santa. May God continue to Bless each and everyone.  May each day be blessed with pugs wrinkles.



MERRY Christmas to all the OBP’s family!  And Corrine a special thanks to you for your daily work of posting.  Always a pleasure first thing (after walking pugs and the Boston) to view.  A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all.



Will enjoy looking at the pictures and wait for the stories Merry Christmas all hope santa is good to all



Photo proof again that Henry is Luna’s fav.  Poor, sad Benny is left without someone to snuggle!
Merry Christmas!!



“:How barren our lives would be without BOP and the community we have because of it.  Thank you Corrine, I? Don’t know how you do it all but glad for your dedication to OBP..

With the losses we suffered last year, we are blessed to have the new year beginning on a positive turn.  “God bless us everyone”



MERRY CHRISTMAS You precious angels.

Lilo N me


Merry Christmas to all of you here in the OBP gang.  Sorry I have not been around, life is just so busy.  I have started a Pug Meetup group here in the last while.  We have had a couple of play dates, Pug-o-we’en and A Very Puggy Christmas.  So far our turnout is about 28 pugs, although we have about 50+ human members on facebook.  I hope this finds you well, especially those i am not connected with on facebook.  God Bless, and all the best to you in 2013!!



Hi everyone.  Hope all of you in OBP land had a great Christmas.  When I first found OBP, I was grieving the loss of my AngelMarie, that I lost in June of this year.  I’m still sad, but I’m starting to slowly feel better. So, I wanted to say thanks to everyone for sharing their pugs with me, especially you, Corrine.  The daily antics of your three really put a smile on my face when I’m feeling down.
Happy new year all!  grin

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The Pug Blog chronicles the daily antics of Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol.

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