Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vitamin D


It is super hot in FL, but that doesn't stop Henry from getting his daily dose of Vitamin D. When I took this shot, Benjamin and Luna were waiting by the door to go back inside and enjoy the conditioned air and Henry was begging for 5 more minutes of sun time.

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Henry, you are such a sun worshipper, enjoy your vitamin D… we have had rain since the weekend.. please send us a bit of sunshine smile

sue wooding


I’m with Luna and Benny to darn hot here in Florida



This boy was born to be a Floridian!  Good for you, Corrine, that you moved him to the Sunshine State!



Could he look any more serene?  Pure Bliss.  It’s lucky for him that the other two don’t come and disturb his aura.

Abby does that too.  I’ll let her out and she immediately goes for a certain spot she likes, the hotter the day the better, and it could be an all day activity if I’d let her.



Hank, you and Cole would get along famously!  Enjoy that sun cutie!!

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