Owned by Pugs

Monday, May 1, 2006


Special treats for the boys and Luna

Last week my Mom, Dad and Sister all came to town for a visit.  It was great to take a break from work and to have a chance to spend some time with the family.  Benjamin, Henry and Luna had a great time as well because no one spoils them quite like their Grandma and Grandpa.

Grandma and Grandpa came bearing gifts and treats.  Plus, they even made sure that they got the boys and little Luna frozen custard from our favorite ice cream shop.  Doggie dishes of ice cream are actually on the menu and every doggie dish comes topped with a bone.  It is funny because the boys and Luna want nothing to do with the bone until after they have finished their ice cream.

Oh and don’t worry, we didn’t get a fourth pug.  We accidentally ordered four doggie dishes.  We kept the extra one because we thought the cat might enjoy it.  No such luck.  She didn’t want anything to do with it.


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