Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ultimate Pillow Pile


The living room is now overrun with pillows. During the day, the couch is piled high with pillows that the pugs use in the afternoon when they nap and gaze out the front door. But, after dinner, two humans actually like to sit on the couch and unwinding on top of three pillows stacked on the couch isn't all that comfortable. Trust me, I've tried it.

So, before we settled down last night, I took some of the pillows that were on the sofa and just tossed them on the clamshell chair. Within a few minutes, Henry was leaping up to make himself comfortable on the enormous pile.


At first, I almost took one of the pillows down because the stack of 4 put Henry over the edge of the chair on the one side. It was late, I was tired and Henry is clumsy. I was certainly not up for a trip to the emergency vet and having to explain that Henry injured himself falling off a big pile of pillows. But, Henry seemed to have the situation under control, so I let him reign supreme on the ultimate pillow pile.

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Oh Hank, you sure are Top Dog!



What are you worried about Mom?  I’ve got the situation under control.  What is it about Pugs and pillows?



I love pugs!! Henry you really are king of the world. Love the look on his face in the second pic. He looks a little worried.

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip!



Prince Henry and his pillows!!  King of the pillow pile!  Too cute for words, and pugs will put a smile on anyone!  Can’t stay grumpy when these cuties are around!!

mary castagnoli


If Henry is worried - it’s probably only that he’ll be de-throned from his ruling pile of pillows.  I’m amazed that he’s able to clamber on top of them all without toppling them over.  My little Bella with her short legs would not be able to make it.

And what IS it about pugs and pillows anyway?  Bella loves smushing her face into them and then knocking them off the couch, chair or bed.  Guess they’re all just real softies at heart. (ouch)



Henry you have conquered OBP Pillow Mountain!  No doubt that must have taken years of relentless training.  I think National Geographic needs to do a cover story wink  You’d be the cutest cover ever for sure!  Great pictures!



I’m surprised he could jump up without knocking them over!!  Good job Henry, enjoy your perch!



Henry does look like king of the pillow mountain its amazing how he made it to the top without knocking pillows over my gang love to sleep on pillows also I am with you Corrine I would be afraid he might fall but it looks like Henry has mastered it very well
Jasper is doing so much better he goes back to the vets next wednesday for recheck and to have stitches out he had a lump on his rear leg and while they did the gum surgery they removed the lump he even started to play some with Baxter yesterday was one very happy mommy to see that
Huckle I like the new name Huckle Chuckle



Sue, great news about Jasper!  I’m glad he’s feeling better and playing some. smile



Sue, so glad to hear that Jasper is doing better, and yay for you too.  I know you are feeling better as well.



Henry, you look adorable on your big stack of pillows!  Pugs just love pillows but I’ve never seen something like this before.  Henry is proving he’s a big, tough boy on his pillow stack.



I love the wary expression on Henry’s face.  He’s well aware that your concerns for his safety could interfere with his comfort!



Hurricane Earl…. Supposedly it will reach my area on saturday… we do not usually get hurricanses… they swerve out to sea and we get some wind & rain.  5 years ago Hurricane Juan hit our capital city which is 3 hours away from me.  I hope this one passes us by as well..



Pat, I hope it swerves out to sea as well.  Last night my weatherman said he thought it would not actually hit the coast but would swerve out.  I hope he is right.



And I’m sure Prince Henry did in fact feel the pea that the queen placed at the bottom of the pillow pile proving once and for all that Henry is a true prince!

And I love his look - as if it’s no big deal for him to be in that position; very relaxed and unamused.



Isn’t that adorable!  Maybe he’s wondering how he will get down - like a cat who climbs a tree and then can’t figure out how to get down.  Here’s a smooooooch, Henry for the top of that precious head.



Here’s the count so far (hope I didn’t miss any of you - if so, pipe up).  Also, if I didn’t get it right, let me know and I’ll fix it.  I’m just sure I am missing some.

Andi - Miss Peanut (foster)- 8ish,Annabelle - 8 1/2, Piper - 7, Marley 7ish, Tessa Grace - 5ish
Patty B - Rocky - 8, Adrian - 8, Gulliver - 3
Sue S - Colorado 5 (Proto - 9 weeks & Sol - 9 weeks, Beauty )
Grannygoogs - Lonehill 6 - Miz Zeller (rescue) Boet (aka FoyBoy) - 7, Suster (aka FizzabellaPop)- 7, TinaTuner (aka Noodlee2) (rescue) - 3, Buller (aka Bullbar (rescue) +/- 4, TaiTai (rescue) - 2
Elizabeth - Mini Cooper
Heather - Baxter - 12 1/2 & Cole - 3.5 (Riley gets included, too - he’s still in your heart)
Corrine - Henry, Benny, Luna, and Solsey at the Bridge.
Sue VDB - Missy (-3 teeth) 7-8, Romeo - 12 +, 2 cats (Jassy - 19), Frankie +/- 3
Karen - C.J.- 5, Toeby - 5
sue - Emma - 6, Toby - 6, Zeke - 6, Abby - 6?, (rescue) Ollie - 6?
Hellen - GiGi
Kat - Kingsley - 11, Paisley, Grizwald
pug mama - Abby
Sue - Abby, Zeke
Huckle - Abby - 6, Georgie 4, Gracie 4, and Cooper2 (the Boxer)- Cooper 1 -6 at the Bridge
mary castagnoli - Bella
Gina - Pip

Any more to add or correct?  I think perhaps, we could include those at the Rainbow Bridge (wish I could remember them all, but I don’t want to make a mistake so I’ll leave it up to you.

I just thought this would be fun and hope Corrine doesn’t mind (do you?).



I *HATE* being late to my daily OBP…you would think work would know that!!

Henry, now *this* is quite impressive…You are most certainly King of the Pillows!!!!

Sue, I am doing a happy dance for you and Jasper!  This is such wonderful news…playing with (your…lol) Baxter is an Excellent sign!!!

I’m praying Earl misses everyone!!!  Stay at sea, Earl.

Huckle - thanks for doing the roster.  I love seeing our “OBP Family” listed out…we’re quite the bunch, aren’t we??!!!

Love to all on this HOT day…hear’s hoping all our puggers are as cozy as Henry on his pillow throne!!



Heather, better late than never, like they say!  I second your emotions and yes, it’s a hot one out there!  Stay cool!



Ha!  That looks exactly like something my pug, Sammy, would do.  She can’t sit anywhere without a blanket or an extra pillow there.  Event the bed isn’t soft enough!



Huckle thanks for the list but I think you have me down twice one with just Abby and Zeke and then the whole gang all five it was fun seeing all the puggies in our family



Hi Huckle…  add Pat & Mr. Skittles to the list.  He is 4 in two months!!

We are quite the gang!!  Great to see everyone on paper and the babies!

sue s


I love seeing all the pics and comments! Glad Jasper seems to be getting better! Huckle thank you for doing this list-it’s amazing! Please add Daisey, our lovely boston age 8 and our beloved boston Buttons who is at the rainbow bridge! She has been gone 9 years now and I still miss her so! Peace, Blessings & pug-hugs to all! The Colorado 5

Corrine - OBP


Hmm…I think I will have to update the site to allow everyone to have a profile of some sorts so we can get to know everyone a bit better.



Corrine I think that is a great idea I love it



Corrine, I love your idea.



very cool idea indeed!



corrine - great idea but maybe I’ve caused a bit of work for you if you do that “-opps”

Deborah Bolig


My pug LOVES sitting on a pillow! He would be in heaven if I piled up that many pillows. We call him “King of the Pillies”.

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