Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuckered in Miami


After their long car ride, the excitement of the hotel, the walk about Miami and dinner on the balcony, the pugs were exhausted and ready for bed. Luckily, Benjamin found the hotel's pillow offerings acceptable.

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Henry and Luna also had no trouble getting comfortable on the hotel's bed. You should have heard the snoring coming from this room! After all they all needed to get their rest, their big photo shoot was the next day!

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Sue VDB and Annie


Pugs are so resilient.  As long as their humans are present, they can adjust to anything. 

I love that Benjamine had pillows to claim, and I would have loved to hear the snoring.

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


You guys always have to stay in a hotel fancy enough to have a “pillow menu” don’t you??? I’m sure Benny wouldn’t have it any other way!



The pictures are such a great way to start off the day. As with the pillows, notice how all three prefer the down comforter rather than their own blanket.

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Oh my goodness I love these kids!  I can’t wait to hear all about the photo shoot!



OMG, this is so cute and so typically so OBPish.  Were the pugs snoring too? wink

My husband is back to barking at Georgie with the sole purpose of getting him to bark back at him.  This guy is 66 years old.  Barking?  I’m trying to get Georgie (and Cooper) to NOT bark, obviously something only I wish for.

I do wish we could all be at the photo shoot, however, wouldn’t that be fun!



Huckle: That’s very funny that your husband is trying to teach Georgie to bark. If it works please let me know how he did it because Ruby Claire is now 9 months old and she has never barked- never. She play-growls with her new sister but it’s a very soft growl. And of course she snores!  I’m thinking maybe I should have her checked out?



aw how comfy they are what a way to live.



I love these pictures!  The hotel gave you a room that is the perfect background for your beautiful pugs!  Maybe you could have the photo shoot in your room.

Huckle, your husband is too funny!  If I was there, I’d probably be barking with him.  Once I was the dog in a school play because of my realistic bark.  I can still do it pretty well, too.  (I was very happy to do that role.  No lines to learn.)

crazy pug lady


I must comment today although totally un-blog related….
Today is May 1st and I had the joy as I have every May 1 over the last several years in turning to my favorite OBP calendar month.  May is the best month in my opinion.  Not just this year but every year.  And it does not even feature my puggy during this month.  I am partial to the May pugs.  While they are all lovely, May seems to bring out the best.  smile
So, thanks, Corrine!  Wanted to mention….

Hellen Norton


WOW!!!! Gang so Glad you all found pillows of your own! You did have a really beautiful view to fall sound asleep to puggie land!

sue states


They look so contented-thank goodness for great pillows! Sweet dreams puggers.Pug hugs from the colorado 4

mary c and bella


I hope there are 2 beds in your room!!!



They look all tuckered out it was a very exciting day for them I love the view from your hotel room

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