Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 1, 2008

Trying out a new dog park

Benjamin, Henry & Luna at the dog park

When my family was in town, we went to New Smyrna Beach for a very cool Segway tour.  On the way there, I saw a sign for a dog park.  I hadn’t known about the dog park, so I couldn’t wait to take the pugs there for a visit.

Benjamin in the tunnel

The park was quite spacious and there were a few dogs there playing when we arrived.  The park also had the big tunnels that the boys love to run through.  We haven’t been able to convince Luna to go through the tunnel yet.  She just doesn’t see the point of it.

Luna and Henry with the Lab

This big guy wanted so bad to play with Benny.  As soon as we got to the park, he ran up to Benny and immediately dropped down into a play stance (which Benny understood), but then he was barking at Benny to egg him on to chase him.  That is where there communication breakdown occurred and Benjamin just stood there looking as confused as ever.  I tried to explain to him that it is exactly what Luna does to get the boys to play, only much, much, much louder.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna playing through the fence

This guy arrived shortly after us and started his visit in small dog area.  The pugs had so much fun playing with him through the fence.  They ran back and forth and back and forth.  The other dog’s owner eventually brought him over to the other side of the park where all the other dogs were and I thought the pugs would have so much fun chasing this quick guy around.  But, as soon as he came to our side of the park, the pugs had no interest in playing with him whatsoever!

Benjamin, Henry & Luna headed home

After all their romping and stomping it was time to head home.

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What a fun time for the puggies.  Sounds like they make their own rules of play, funny little puggies.



What a great space!  I wish there were more dog parks around here (and more warmth and sunshine!)...Looks like a great time was had by all…even the new friends!



Looks like they had fun, for sure!!
We took Mr. Skittles for our local SPCA fund raiser… Pet Pictures with Santa.
He was a good boy and sat very still for Santa while his picture was being taken, but not before he somehow pulled off part of Santa’s beard, and knocked of Santa’s hat   lol!!



What a great park!!!!  Looks like lots of fun.



What a great park! and an even better last picture…
Luna “that was fun! Lets get home for some pugkin bread and nap time!”



Last one in the car is a dirty dog!



Pug Parks…I mean “dog” parks are great! My guess is they get more use than the kiddie playgrounds do!
Pat - I’m cracking up just picturing Mr. Skittles pulling off Santa’s beard and knocking his hat off :D Didn’t you explain to him that Santa only brings toys and treats to good little puggies? If that Santa didn’t have a sense of humor, Mr. Skittles might end up with a stocking full of coal…..whimper, whimper



Looks like Henry, Benny & Luna had tons of fun! We had our first big snow over Thanksgiving week-end and Beauty just had a blast! She would run making big “snow circles” and she came in with snow all over her precious little puggie face! Good thing she’s black-we would have lost her in the snow!

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