Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat

Benjamin, Henry and Luna Trick or Treating

The pugs don't mind getting dressed up for Halloween because they get to go Trick or Treating in the neighborhood.

Their first stop is always to see Grammy. Once they have finished eating all the snacks Grammy gives them, then they head to see Aunt Gaila.

Benjamin, Henry and Luna Trick or Treating

Then they head to see their friends Ed & Iris

Benjamin, Henry and Luna Trick or Treating

This year they even got to go see their friends Fran & Bruce.

Dress the pugs up in anything. They don't care. All they know is they get to go door to door and get lots of yummy treats.

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You three are so cute!! Everyone would love to open the door and see you there, no wonder you get treats!!
I know I would!!
Hope everyone had a safe halloween!!



How attentive the pugs are to their treaters.

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


I wish we had cute pug Trick or Treaters!  What a fun time for you and the kids!

mary castagnoli


Wish the Scrabble-3 would come to MY neighborhood.  They are much cuter (and seem to be more appreciative) than most of the 2-legged tricksters that knocked on my door last night.
Bella wore her red & black bat wings and her black fuzzy cap with red-tipped antennae.  Guess she was a lady-pug-bug-bat.  Think she thought she was a gargoyl and seemed to feel pretty tough in her get-up as she lost all of her shyness and marched right out amongst the T&T’ers.
GINA:  Bella has “dry eye” also.  I use those “Refresh” tears in her eyes - then have a ridiculously expense tube of opthamalic ointment that I smear on the outside of her eyes.  This I’m going to start trying vaseline on her eyes before bed.  I’ve read that this does the same job just as well and much cheaper than the $42/teensy-weensy tube.
Glad to hear that PIP’s issues turned out to be benign - but am also so glad you took him in.  It’s such a worry when our smoosh-face fur-babies aren’t in 100% good-working order, isn’t it?!  Bella seems to be out-growing her allergies to some degree - I only have to give her Benadryl on spring evenings when I’ve been dumb enough to leave the bedroom window open to the night breeze - brings on a snorting, panting attack from her and the Benadryl really works for her.  I still wonder what it is about BLACK pugs - they just seem to be more prone.  I still use allergy-free laundry detergent on her towels and “our” bedding.
Anyway - no more trick/treats for another year.  And not surprised at what a hit L, H & B were with the neighbors.  They are quite The 3 Amigos!!



I would love to open my door to those cuties!! Now I want to be your neighbor Corrine. smile

Thank you Mary. I will see how his eye meds work and then I will try vaseline and see if it’s the same. Thanks for the tip. I wish Pip’s allergies were caused by the air and outside ‘stuff’. Not sure what it is. He vomitted twice last night while all the trick or treating was going on. Poor dear. We’er taking it easy again today. How much benadryl do you give your baby and how much does she weigh. Just checking. smile 

Thanks everyone!!! Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip

sue states


As usual love the ‘kids’-Beauty dressed up as a lumberjack-red & black flannel hat & scarf-she came home (with our grandson) with a ton of skittles. Beauty & her kids will get their usual treats and we’ll get the dentist bill. Daisy, Solsie, Bubba & Protohelped greet the tricker treaters. Solsie seemed to enjoy this more than her brothers. Hope Pip gets better soon. Pug hugs from the Colorado 4



Gina, a smooch to Pip from the Swamp Pugs.  They are in complete sympathy to his vomiting.  I think I would check with your vet about the vaseline just to be safe.  Abby gets the vaseline-type med when she has an optical ulcer only but always gets two drops to each eye of GenTeal twice a day for the dry eye.  She also gets two drops of Timolol twice a day (this is an “old persons’ problem” so that when I get it at WalMart, it only costs $4.00.  The GenTeal is a little more pricey than Timolol (about $10 for a month’s worth,) but lasts quite awhile.  At any rate, this information may help in your decision making in asking your vet.

Corrine, boy did those three make out well.  What fun to have such agreeable neighbors and treats!  How much fun is that!

Mary, I’m also curious about the amount of Benedryl to give.  Not that they need it at this time, but that it might come in handy to know.



Bet the puggers are ready to dress up again and go for more treats. They look very happy.

I passed out 5-1/2 pounds of candy last night…Tootsie rolls, Tootsie pops, Dots, etc. 

Only had one dog come by, and that was my friend Dee with her Suzy Q, chi/pom mix, all of 3 lbs.,  Sabbath, her boxer, doesn’t do well trick or treating, and Spirit, her sweet golden has a gimpy leg so she couldn’t come, but they went home with a whole package of treats.

Please be careful with the Vaseline.  It is a petroleum based product, and some of the research I have done does not recommend it.  Not only that, but it would make their vision blurry.  With the various reports on it, I would be leary.



I would much rather see these 3 at more door than kids!



If anyone is interested in seeing the pictures taken at the Pug Howl-o-Ween party, you can email me and I will be more than happy to forward them to you.  There is one outstanding picture of the Zebra.  Romeo and I are on page 6, taking off his destroyed basketball costume.  svandeberghe@gmail.com



the three look quite happy to be trick or treating and getting all the goodies I am with everyone would love to open my door to them anytime

mary castagnoli


SUE VDB:  Thanks for the caution on the vaseline.  Haven’t bought any yet but will check out the GenTeal and Timolol per HUCKLE w/my vet as well. (so THANKS, also, to HUCKLE)
Bella has taken Benadryl per our vet starting as a puppy with her first allergic reaction to certain vaccinations - first time her poor little pug-face blew up twice its normal size - I thought I would pass out.  Bella now takes 1 full tablet in a chickenk-flavored pill pocket - but she weighs in at about 30#.  I used to only give her 1/2 a pink tablet.  And I only give it to her when she’s showing signs of real discomfort - and never more than 2 in 18-24 hours.  My vet has okay-ed this.  We used to have to give her a shot of prednisone prior to the vaccination also - but, again, her reactions seem to be handled by the Benadryl alone now.
I appreciate all the feedback and “for the love of a pug” concern that is generated at OBP.  It’s a nice haven for all who come here.
Blessings to you all.  And special blessings, this week to PIP/GINA.



Hello friends!  I am just getting caught up here.  Gina - Pip definitely knew his momma brought him to the vet to get back to 100% and wanted to show just what he needed.  Smart boy, give him a big smooch for me!  Prayers for quick healing going up.

Baxter, too, has many eye ailments and has been on a multitude of drops, gels, and creams for years and years…twice a day now, but sometimes a lot more.  Gosh, I don’t remember what it was like not to be coming at him with drops.  He’s the best patient in the world though…even when I’m in those peepers every hour.

I SO wish those 3 were my neighbors.  SO much fun to see the pics of them treating door to door.  They provide so much joy to all.  Lots and lots of smooches to each one of your scrabble tiles *giggle*

Hellen Norton



We have very few trick or treaters but most of them were beautiful babies (friends of the grandchildren) and thier parents. They came in and visited with me and the rest of the gng.

We had one father with a group who reached over the kids heads and took two or more handfuls of candy leaving us enough for the last few that showed up later.



It seems we all had the same thought, “I wish they had come to MY door!”  It makes me smile to see them trick or treating and to know that they have great neighbors who appreciate them!!!

mary castagnoli


One of the MANY fine qualities of pugs is that they never seem to meet anyone they don’t like and just assume that the WORLD is anxious to meet THEM.  And well-they should.

I just read a doggie plaque that seemed to “speak” to pugs in particular:  Pugs Approach to Stress:  If you can’t EAT it or PLAY with it - PEE on it and Walk Away.

My Motto???  If you don’t like pugs - you gets no hugs from me.



Mary - I loooove your motto!  The MAIN TEST in dating is to see how the male breed responds to my pug breed (only the very select get the priviledge of such task)...If they ain’t got love for the pugs the pug momma ain’t got no love for them!  (That said, *of course* all love the boys, but if the man doesn’t behave with enough Pug Love in his gestures - buuuh bye…*giggle*)

Hmmmmm…would love to just “pee and walk away” when my interest isn’t held…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA…Puggies give the best life lessons ever!

mary castagnoli


Another forward:  My wardrobe seems to be becoming reduced to “pug shirts”.  I’ve found a great online t-shirt (and other stuff) shop:  cafepress.com and have gotten (and proudly wear) long & short-sleeved t-shirts with BLACK pugs sitting with notables like:  Abe Lincoln, the American Gothic couple, Mona Lisa, Queen Elizabeth, etc. etc.  Have also found some other adorable t-shirts dealing with black pugs (no bias or prejudice - but I’ve only got one pug and she’s black).  Most of you are probably more fashionably diverse - but I’m in my 60’s and feel obliged to go which ever way the wind blows me anymore - and it makes me feel good to wear THE PUG.  May be just a case of flying my freak flag - but long may she wave.  Just thought some other pug devotees might like to check it out.



Huckle ~ Thanks for the heads up about the vaseline. Good to think about.

Sue VDB ~ Thank you for two things: the first being the heads up about the vaseline and the blurry vision and second: the use of the word ‘gimpy’. I had to chuckle to myself when I read that. smile

Mary ~ Thanks for the benadryl info. I may have to start using that! And also your post about the pug shirts. So funny. This is my favorite: “but I’m in my 60’s and feel obliged to go which ever way the wind blows me anymore - and it makes me feel good to wear THE PUG.  May be just a case of flying my freak flag - but long may she wave.”

Here is more news regarding Pip. He vomitted last night and then three times today! I was so worried again so I called the vet. Had to see a different doc b/c Pip’s regular one had the day off. Well this guy wanted to do a blood test just to rule some stuff out and he gave him a shot to help Pip stop puking and he gave him a shot of pepcid to help calm his stomach too. Well he already called and Pip has pancreatitis!!!!!!!!! I’m so worried. I have to take Pip in tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. and leave him there all day while they hook him up to an I.V and give him fluids and anti-biotics. He said he wanted to “hit it hard” to help Pip get over this quick.

He also said that this was a secondary ‘thing’ to something else. Like maybe something wrong with kidneys or liver or maybe just caused by his steroid meds (Temaril-P). This is one worried Mama! Holy Crow! I did feed Pip a little dog food when I got home and he has kept that down. He didn’t sleep well last night so hopefully with the food on his tummy and being tired he will sleep better. My poor baby Pip!!!

So again, I ask for some prayers for Pip. Thank you everyone for listening (and for pushing me to go yesterday!) I really appreciate you all! Big Hugs to you all!

~ Gina & Pip



I forgot to tell Heather thank you for the prayers! And Hellen, that sounds so nice that they came in and visited with you! God Bless!

Lilo n Me (Gwen)


Oh my goodness! Lilo would have loved to go out trick or treating much more than staying at home with me. I never would have thought of such a thing.

One little fellow about 2yrs old i would say was dressed like the devil, and so was Lilo.  He didn’t care about the candy, he just loved Lilo, and he kept pointing at her, so i bent down holding her for him to pet her.  Well he wouldn’t get that close and that was fine with Lilo bc she wasn’t sure exactly what he had in mind with that pitchfork!!!

Hellen, as per usual, grown adults amaze me at times, doing something so completely unacceptable, stealing candy from a baby literally.  This is really why i love dogs more than humans sometimes lol.

Heather, I’m with you. If they don’t pass the pug test, they are a major fail, and out they go lol!

Mary, I’ll proudly walk beside you in our Freak Parade lol! I love pugs and have only found a pair of socks and of course only with fawns, so i will definitely be checking out that website.

Gina, so sorry to hear Pip is sick with pancreatitis. Usually in humans we see it happen with a bad gallbladder (which i don’t even know if pugs have), and in drinkers, but I doubt Pip has been tipping them back.  I would certainly love to learn more about it in dogs. It’s absolutely no fun for humans so i can hardly imagine for a wee one like a pug. Continued prayers for you and Pip, to ease your heavy heart and mind and a speedy recovery for Pip.

Benadryl dosing I was given by my vet is 2-4mg/kg.  I know, I know, us canucks and our darn metric system!(2-4mg/2.2lbs) Lilo is about 18lbs and and she could easily take one and a half, but I have found that she does just fine taking 1/2 of a 25mg tab twice a day when she needs it.

Take care dear friends, Pug hugs and prayers for all in need. Much Love, Lilo n Me



Gina sending prayers for you and pip hope he does well at the vet tomorrow I know you must be worried just know we are all here for you

mary castagnoli


GINA:  I nearly cried this a.m. when reading about PIP.  I’m looking up pancreatitis in dogs right away.  I know how painful it is for people (and sometimes so hard to diagnose in humans as well for some reason).  I’m offering up every prayer I know for your little love and hope to hear things are turning around and he’s feeling better soon.  Makes you wonder about all the steroid-related meds they give all of us - animals included.

sue states


Hi Gina-sending prayers that Pip will get well soon and nothing serious is looming. Pug hugs to Pip and you from the Colorado 4



Thank you thank you thank you everyone! I just dropped Pip off this morning and he was quite perky and happy. He kept his supper in from last night and his breakfast this morning. And he slept really good last night too. I brought his blanket with him so he can have the smell of home with him. It made it a little easier to drop him off b/c he was wagging his tail like crazy at all the staff! Especially when he saw his doctor. Funny little pug! Again, thank you so much! It means the world to me to have you all praying for Pip! Hugs to you all!!!



Aww, what a sweetie Pip is.  It always amazes me how they deal with illness…we should all take lessons I think.  I don’t mean that in a critical way.

mary castagnoli


GINA:  Just goes to show how smart dogs are.  PIP knows what he needs to get well.  Bless him and his strong-little-pug-heart and curly tail.  I’ve done some reading this a.m. and sounds like your vet knows his (her?) stuff.  I’m taking all of this heart as weight can be a factor with this and Lord knows Miss Bella-Boo needs to drop “a lb. or 2” (more like 8#)!  I’m just going to bite the bullet when it comes to her and me BOTH.  I’m going the lettuce, grapefruit and lean/mean route for myself and B’s sticking with her special kibble and only an OCCASIONAL duck/sweet potato chew twist.
ROCK ON, LITTLE PIP.  Give that pancreas a rest with your IV nourishment and meds, and GET WELL SOON!!  You’re a fixture of my heart and my prayers.



Sue VDB ~ Not taken in a critical way. I agree with you!!!

Mary ~ You are right. Dogs do know their stuff. Last summer when we were watching that little weenie dog Susie, she hurt her back. We took her to her vet and they said she would have to stay in her kennel while take her back healed. They gave her some meds but nothing that made her sleepy. Well, she sat in her kennel without a bark! She knew she needed to be still. So dogs do know!!

Pip’s vet is a man. Very nice. But its funny b/c the vet that we have seen since forever, was the one who Pip saw on Monday who said he needed the pain meds for his shoulder. He didn’t do anything about the vomitting b/c Pip hadn’t puked yet that day. (He did a couple hours later.) Well when I called yesterday, his regular vet wasn’t there so he had to see this guy Dr. Gilbert. I’m so glad this guy ordered the blood tests etc…. I kind of feel like a traitor but I’m just glad Pip is getting the help he needs!

I need to lose some weight too Mary! It’s so hard though! Especially with Halloween. I mean I can’t let my kids eat ALL of their candy so I’m being a good Mom and eating some for them. smile 

Again, you all are the best!!! Hugs!

Lilo n Me (Gwen)


Gina, so glad to hear Pip was feeling a little more chipper today.  That’s a good sign!  Don’t feel the least bit guilty, and don’t kid yourself either, your regular vet is probably a little bothered that he missed it.  Sometimes it just takes another set of eyes to be objective, and as you said, the most important part is Pip is getting the help he needs.

We have had a busy day.  Trip to the vet, urine test, still has bugs, so two more weeks of antibiotics for Lilo (which i suspected as she was still having urge to go after emptying), trip to the overpriced pet store to get more Wild Bites and a new Lambchop toy. I looked into the supplement at the vet, $20/45 days of vitamins for the bladder infections. She always goes galloping to see Dr. Powers (also male, been looking after her since she was a baby), but she hates the examining room.  It’s like, please don’t take me in there, anything but the little room, not the little room.  She goes all deathgrip pug in there lol.

This pet store wanted to sell me a powder, the cheapest being $45, but then i would need a wet dog food for it to stick to.  Lilo can’t do it.  Idk if it’s the texture or what but she’s instant gag, and she always throws up wet dog food, even long after you think you are safe.  Even the special gentle for the stomach food from the vet.  Then the little missy tried to tell me it was because those were poorer foods. She should have just stopped talking then cus I tuned her out.  If they weren’t the only place in town that sold Wild Bites I would never go back.  I am trying to get my local store to find something of the like as they don’t use the same distributor.

Then it was off to my local store for a nail trim.  Well they have two groomers now, and i’m sure i could have done just as good a job as the blind man there.  He nipped her quick twice.  I could have done that at home and saved myself $7+tax.  I know trimming black nails are tougher, but your a groomer.  The lady never did that.

We’ve had a full day.  Lilo is snoring away on the couch,and i’m thinking i might snuggle up if she’ll let me. 

Pip and Gina, keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for a quick resolution to the pancreatitis.  Pug Hugs to all

Love, Lilo n Me

mary castagnoli


Hey GWEN:  I’m still looking for the Wild Bites (venison/cranberry) - Checked on Amazon - but what they had was RAW & cured (like jerky I suppose) - but I kept reading all about this RAW venison and RAW kangaroo and my stomach started doing wierd flips - so I passed on it.  Will google some more and see what I find.  I’ve been so disgusted that THE BEST treat food I’ve ever had for Bella were these soft duck sausages by Cadet.  I swear they smelled soooo good - I was always tempted to try a few bites myself . . . reminded me a savory beef roast w/brown gravy (the smell).  Anyway - used to get them at our Menards - no one had ever seen them elsewhere.  But they stopped carrying them and you couldn’t even find them online at first - I finally was able to order them through some Amazone sites - but they are just not the same - in fact some of them have smelled so “off” upon opening them, I just pitched them in the garbage.  And I even got a few in the mail that were moldy!!! h-yewwww - right?!!  Got a refund from the supplier, but was soooo grossed out, I’ve been fearful of ordering more.  Why IS it that you find something WONDERFUL and, in this day of mass production and insane over-marketing, the ONE PERFECT THING becomes unavailable or messed up.  Same thing happens to me with shoes.
Anyway - I was mainly going to ask you if you had ever tried the Pet-i-cure nail filing tool on Lilo.  Bella has THE WORST black nails - thick like bear claws - grow with every breath she takes - and tend to curl immediately into her foot pad.  My vet was soooo conservative in his trims - I had to go in every 3-4 weeks and he was advocating more and more that I have him sedate her to be able to get a really good nail job done.  We did do this a couple of times as she was getting so wild and lathered up every time I took her in for a regular nail job - but it always just seemed like an extreme thing to do and more drugs in her system.  I went back to my filing tool at home and now, if I just do a couple of nails at a time with her sitting in my lap in our big, comfy chair - I’m able to keep them in pretty good shape and she’s even let me cut a couple and I’ve (so far) managed not to nick the quick since she’s not thrashing and fighting me to get away.
(Soooo long-winded, Mary)  But wanted to let you know I sympathize with your black toenail tussles.



Heather, you and your “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA” always tickle me and make me laugh.

Mary, I think you can attribute that motto to Gracie in all senses.  She raises her leg with the best of them (males that is).

Gwen, In your mentioning nail trims, I have found that this last time the groomer did the gangs nails, she used a dremel-like tool on them and that has been over a month ago, I believe.  They have not grown as fast as with just the clipping.  I especially saw that with Abby who could use a nail trim every week.  How she managed to use that tool on these reactive little pugs, I don’t know, but I am impressed.

Gina, hang in there.  It is so hard to have to deal with the pugs illnesses.  All our best to Pip (and you).

Computer problems yesterday (I was on the phone for over 3 hours trying to get the router sorted out) so have not really taken the time to do the messages properly or with the care I like to.  Computer people calling again around noon to finish us (I hope) with this process.

Take care all.  Pug love to all the sick ones and to all the others as well.

Lilo n Me (Gwen)


Hehehehe, oh yes, the Pedi-paws tool.  I actually bought one and ordered 10 replacement wheels as I thought that would be the way to go in trimming Lilo’s nails.  She wouldn’t be caught dead within 5’ of the thing.  If it hums, buzzes, whirrs or makes any other noise, she’s out of there.  She runs from the vacuum and the steam cleaner, and the dishwasher when i move it around.  I figure if she starts to get a little chunky, I might invest in a Roomba to keep her weight down lol.



Gwen, very funny.

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