Owned by Pugs

Monday, February 24, 2014

Top Down


Benjamin and Luna are coming a round a bit on the doggie stroller. They have never been big fans of getting wheeled around, but as it gets harder and harder for them to keep up with Henry they are seeing that the stroller isn't such a bad thing. On our last outing, we let them keep the top down and they really liked that. The deal was the top could stay down as long as they sat down and didn't try and jump out (like Sol did one time). They kept up their end of the bargain so we kept the top down for the entire walk.

When we first set off for our walk, the stroller was empty and everyone was walking. Luna tired out first, so she was the first occupant of the stroller. I think she got a little too used to having the wheels all to herself, because when Benny tired out, she wasn't too happy that he was joining her.

Benjamin and Luna

In Luna's defense, Ben did act like he owned the place when he got in.

Benjamin and Luna

But, after a while, Luna wiggled her way to the front and let Benny know that he needed to shove over a bit.

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I love the 2nd picture of Ben and Luna!!!  Luna’s face is like….ya, that’s right!  I make the decisions around here and I get the front, HA!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


All I can think is how precious this is.  Luna, you rock baby girl, taking first chair, and Benny doesn’t seem to really mind.

Happy walks in your stroller sweethearts.



Glad they decided the stroller isn’t a bad thing when you’re tired out!!!
Too cute!



That’s right Luna,you show your brother who is boss!  (even if you are the baby of the bunch!  grin)

xoxo   Patty

Pen & Lucy's Mommy


We have that same stroller and the only thing I’m not crazy about is the cover is flexible in the front and Lucy learned she could just step on it and jump out. So I took a piece of cardboard and cut it so it fits snuggly inside the front and that solved the problem.

Sue States


Luna doesn’t look at all happy in 2nd pic- glad they worked it out-good job Luna! Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

brenda in texas


The pics are all really cute but that last one is priceless.

Jennifer Moulton


ermahgerd!  They are just so ridiculously adorable!  I love that you are willing to push an empty stroller for awhile so you can fill it with tired pug!  But then everyone gets a work out!!

sue wooding


I love the pictures I got Cuddles a stroller as he can barely walk any more he is not to happy but it beats carrying him



This is just wonderful. I love Luna’s face where she is clearly not happy with Benny. She looks like she is being squished. Holy moly. And then proud Luna in the last one.
Love it!



They look just like my two!I’ve been walking with a (often empty)stroller for over a year now,it took some time for me to getting used to it,but my pugs do like it
a lot,I am just so happy it’s (almost)normal nowadays,
although we are absolute a sight in my town.

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