Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tiny Toon


The little gray lady keeping an eye on her brothers. The funny thing is the boys try and one up each other and be the last to pee on something around the yard. But, Luna always wins that game. She patiently waits for the boys and then struts over and pees on whatever had caught the boys' interest last. She always wins. The boys have pretty much given up and know they will never win against the little alpha female grin

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Luna you are just too precious!



Luna we love you!!!  I LOVE how her lips are slightly puckered as if she’s in the middle of saying something to those silly brothers!!  *giggle*  Keep those boys in check Miss Luna, we all know you run the pack wink

mary castagnoli


So who says “It’s a Man’s World?”!!!
or . . . in other words:  “You GO, Girl!”  (pun intended)



Luna Rules, Brothers Drool!!  heehee.. she is sooo very smart!



Silly boys just never know when to give up.  Luna just waits until they have gone over each other’s trail, and probably with all the confidence in the world strolls over and erases their marks.  Good girl.

Karen, thinking about you and Toeby this morning and sending up prayers for a successfull surgery for Toeby.  When you can, please update us.

Gina, how is Pip doing with his foot?  Hope it is doing better.  Please let us know.

Lola's Mum


Good lord, Luna is a cutie. Go, Alpha Females!

Love her to bits.

sue s


Ms.Luna, Patience IS a virtue! It’s amazing how long girls can ‘hold on’ and guys just can’t! Pug-hugs from the I can’t believe its still SNOWING!! Colorado 5



I’ve missed something and just went back a few posts and can’t find it…Karen, what’s wrong with Toby?!  :-(  Praying for you guys!

Gina, Pip is still in my prayers too?  How’s his lil’ paw doing?



sue s, last night’s weather report talked about snow falling in Colorado…ugghhh.  You must be really sick and tired of this.  I know I would be.  Hope that turns around for good this “spring”?



Luna cute as ever and girls do rule
Karen thinking good thoughts for you and Tobey with his surgery this mourning please when you get a chance update us on how he is
Gina how is Pip foot is it getting better hope so

Karen B.


Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers!  Toeby goes in this am for his palate and nose surgery, dental cleaning and will have a fractured tooth pulled.  Poor little guy didn’t get his breakfast this morning and just looked at me with the MOST pitiful look!!  His stomach was howling and I just felt terrible!  Daddy will take him in this am at 8 which is in about 10 minutes and I am hoping for the best!  Keep us in your thoughts!~

Karen B.


Shame on me!  Luna is pictured in all her cuteness and I didn’t even comment!!  Luna may be tiny but her wisdom is huge!  She knows that those silly boys will eventually run out of pee and then it’s her turn to strike!  It’s good to be the Queen…



Karen B - so sorry I wasn’t in the know.  Prayers for Toby and keep us posted!!!

Karen B.


Heather~No problem!  I will update as soon as I know anything.



Luna’s all about the strategy!  I love the thoughtful look on her sweet little face!

Karen, I’m saying prayers for Toeby.

crazy pug lady


Way to pee on that glass ceiling, baby girl! wink



Karen~  thinking of you and Toeby… pug hugs and prayers that he will be back home soon, recovering with his momma!!  xo



She’s hardly bigger than a blade of grass. She is so adorable it hurts.  What a love.

Karen - Pug hugs from the Swamp Pugs.  Their faces are smushed up to send you and Toeby smooches.

Gina - I was thinking about Pip this a.m. as I was giving Georgie his pills.  He’s completely healed from what I can tell and was hoping that Pip’s foot cleared up as well. Georgie is taking advantage of the fact that I can’t use Bitter Yuck on him right now and is taking great pleasure in licking his paws (grrrrrrrrrrr)

Karen B.


I called to see how the little guy was doing and they hadn’t even started his case yet!  This was at 12:30 when I went to lunch…He was there this am at 8:00!  This greatly displeases me since he hasn’t eaten all day!  Will update later, probably in the morning, the way these people move!

Hellen Norton


Oh Luna us ladies are so proud of you keeping those guys under control!!! Smart Luna RULES!!!

sue s


Karen B hope all is well with Toby. Sue VDB the snow pack will be great for the spring run off. This will help the ranchers, farmers, water rafting outfits and has helped the ski resorts to stay open longer.All in all, it’s a good thing! Pug hugs to all from the Colorado it’s not snowing today 5

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