Owned by Pugs

Friday, June 29, 2012

Tiny Swimmer


Not only is Luna a strong swimmer, she is also a very good life guard. Whenever, the pool is in use, you are sure to find Luna patrolling around the deck. She keeps a close eye on everyone and is ready to sound the alarm if she thinks anything is amiss. And she does sound the alarm quite frequently. Like whenever anyone splashes or goes underwater.

Have a good weekend!


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Minnie and Mack


Wet pug!  She is sooo cute.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario

mary castagnoli


I think we all love Miss Luna - as she is sooo “at one with herself”.  She’s definitely “A Force”!  (not taking anything away from H & B, either).  But “Perky” does get alot of attention and admiration - and she is THAT!

Good weekend to everyone . . . relief to those in Colorado and East Coast.  Summer’s great, but it, too, can be “A Force” to be reckoned with.  Iowa just has thunderstorms and mid-90’s on its horizon.



Sweet Luna, you are the Queen Bee.
For all OBP people: Has anyone ever been owned by a Pug who does not bark? Ruby Claire is 1 year old on July 1 and she has never barked, and she has made very little noise at all. The vet has no ideas.

mary castagnoli


Kathleen:  Bella never barked until she 2 and even now, she doesn’t really bark much and when she does it’s more like the sound an old percolator coffee pot makes - kind of “puff-puff or whuff-whuff”.  She just has a rather quiet personality and even when she gets excited, she mostly pants and swings her tail.  I’ve just told myself that she’s rather shy and possibly more of a “deep thinker” than a “talker”.  I’s been a switch to get used to as I had a Lhasa Apso who never ran out of things to say and took her “guard dog duties” very seriously.



Oh Looney Tunes. I love you so. You seem so petite and delicate and extra fluffy when wet. You keep up your life guard duties and watch over those in the pool. Hugs and kisses to you little lady.

Did anyone else see the story of how a toddler, maybe 2 or 3 years old, somehow got into the backyard pool and was found face up with the family dog under him keeping his head above water? The dog was keeping the babies face above water until the Mom found the baby. Dogs are amazing creatures!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me.



Luna takes her life guard job seriously she looks so cute all wet
My pug Emma dosent bark she is eight and she has this high pitch screech she has never barked
Happy weekend everyone enjoy

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Luna the Lovely Lifeguard!
Kathleen, Lucy is our first ever pug and we noticed right away that she doesn’t really bark, even when she’s “sounding the alarm.” She huffs and chuffs, she “woo’s” (especially when she’s compaining at my husband that he’s been at work too long and I, of course, have been the worst pug mommy in the entire world!)and if she’s really excited when someone comes to visit she screams-yes, literally screams, like a 5 year old girl. (It’s the most bizarre sound you ever heard, and ear-splitting!) The only time we’ve ever heard a real bark from her was at our neighbor’s un-dog-friendly German Shepherd when he came after Lucy and I on a walk. She whipped around to face him and REALLY barked. We thought that not barking must be a pug thing until Pen came along-he has three barks, “I’m so excited” yapping, “I need a walk now” alerting, and his “Danger Will Robinson” Big Boy Bark (this one always cracks us up because he lowers his voice-I guess so he sounds bigger than he is?)



That sweet little Luna!  She looks so intent on her duties!!!  What a great sister she is!

Hellen Norton


Luna you are really a joy to us all! Keeping watch over your brothers is a girly thing to do. Love you little one!

Mary M.


Congrats to you, precious Miss Luna, for being such a diligent lifeguard to you family.  Enjoy your time by the pool, little one!
  Hope everyone in OBPland has a great weekend!



Thank you Mary C and everyone for the comments about the no barking. I’m not so worried now. Ruby Claire’s sister, Lily belle, a schnauzer/poodle rescue, must be doing all the barking for her. She has a high pitched bark that makes ones hair stand on end.



Luna is just the most adorable little pug ever and her personality is so big.

Kathleen, I’m confused as to why you want Ruby Claire to bark.  Not to be insensitive, but boy would I like my gang to not bark.  It is so awful and so embarrassing whenever someone comes to the door.  If the vet doesn’t think anything is wrong with her being barkless, I think I would just sit back and enjoy it.

Gina, that story is amazing.  I had not seen it or read it and amazed at the power of thought our canines have especially in emergencies.  Thanks for sharing that. 

Lucy and Pen’s Mommie, good luck with the “screams”.  I can only imagine what that is like.



My brother had a big ole teddy bear of a Rott, Petey.  He was the lifeguarad round the pool.  He hated when you went underwater, and would run around the pool and bark and bark.  And then get all puffed up when we surfaced…like his barking is what saved us!! We let him believe that!

Petey was not a pug, but he was a wonderful dog and I certainly miss him.  He always thought he was a lapdog, all 120 pounds.

stella rose


Luna, you are so lucky to get to go swimming…my pool is now flat in the middle of the yard cos mean old cat dietzman clawed it!



Sleighbell, that is so funny and cute.

Emma Preet


Good to know about Luna! Seems she is very talented and helpful one for her owner. Thanks for the info of an active and cute member.

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