Owned by Pugs

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Time to Trim the Shrubs


Whenever one of the bushes in the yard gets a growth spurt and grows a branch at pug level Benny feels the need to pee on it whenever he is in the vicinity. And when the limb is over grown and hangs over the sidewalk, it means Benny leaves a little puddle.


And that is when I know it is time to get out and do a little yard work.

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way to go benny my buggy does this it’s funny lol.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Corrine, you don’t need a calendar, an iPhone or any other device.  Benny is your reminder, and more adorable to boot.



That is funny.  My Toby does the same thing.

  You go Benny!



BaaHaa!!! Must be a pug trait!!  We have a very similar system for over grown shrubs!



Benny, you are so adorable. What a funny little pug! I love how green your grass is though. Everything is dead from the heat this past summer but now everything is turning beautiful fall colors.

Pug Mama~I’m so sorry about your kitty. Saying prayers for you.

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie



Corrine, it may be that you have too much time on your hands (you may think not enough) or a fetish for pug pee.  However, since Luna worried everyone so much on the pee issue, I think we’re all checking out pug pee pretty rigorously.

Diane, having lost your Pugsley in October of 2009 probably colors the way you view the fall season since then.  I imagine everyone who has lost a pug baby (or others as well) can identify with a dread at the change of the season, no matter what season it was.  These guys are just so important to our lives.

pug mama


Silly Benny!!!  You’re always one step ahead of your mama, aren’t you? 

Thank you so much Gina.  She was such a special girl.  It hurts even more because I got Dinah about the same time that I got Abby, so they grew up together, and were best buddies when they were little.  They wrestled together, slept together, ate each others food, .....  She was really a magnificent cat and I am so sad that it was her time.



Way to go Benny letting mom know its time for yard work my boys seem to water everything even if it dosent need yard work

Pug mamma so sorry about Dinah I am sure she is right with Abby watching over you

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


pug mama, I am so sorry about Dinah.  Somewhere I missed out on this and can’t find it, but please know our hearts are with you.

Hellen Norton


Good Boy Bennie….It is important to keep the shrubs watered!!!! How great of you to bring it to Moms attention!!!



Pug Mama~I know Abby and Dinah are playing together and having so much fun.

Sue VDB~She mentioned it on facebook so thats why you can’t find it on here.

I agree with Huckle~Pip started getting sick about this time last year. Ugh. I absolutely love this time of year but it sort of makes me sad. I know he is ok now so I will be just fine.

sue states


Everyone should have a Ben-o-matic for all your lawn care needs. Sorry to hear another fur baby has gone to the rainbow bridge. My bad time is march 31st 12:00 pm-my sweet buttons went to the bridge. Its hard, but we manage knowing they are watching & waiting for us. pug hugs & prayers-pastor sue & the colorado 2

southlondon roofing


thats just super cute,

patio cleaning


very funny, its like candid camera!

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