Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, May 9, 2012



Last week the pugs made a trek to the vet. Each was visiting for various reasons (more on that later). Benny was in to have blood work done. We got the results a few days later and everything looked normal except his thyroid is a little low. When I got the news, I thought this explains a lot.

Benny has slowed down a lot lately. Granted he is 10 now, but compared to Henry he is a complete couch potato. He also seems to have picked up a pound to two (or maybe three) and his feeding routine has not changed at all.

I chalked it up to him getting older, but his thyroid could certainly play a part in all of this. Don't get me wrong, his age probably plays the biggest factor in his recent energy level and unexpected weight gain, but getting his thyroid back to normal levels will certainly help.

Benny boy heads back to the vet in about 6 weeks for another blood test to see if the dosage for his meds is correct and to see if his thyroid function has improved to normal levels with the help of his medicine.

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Minnie and Mack


Good luck with the meds, Benny! 

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



Hey Benny, stick with the meds and hope for awesome results in 6 weeks   xoxo

Sue VDB and Annie


Corrine, I think you will be amazed what the meds can do.  Benny just turned 10, and 10 is not that old for Benny to be slowing down as much as you described. Onvr the correct dosage is determined Baby Benny will be better. 

Thyroid meds made a difference to Romeo. and I know personally they make a difference.  I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in the 70s when I was 31, and taking that little pill every day keeps me going.



I think the meds will help a lot one of my first pugs pugsly was on thyroid pills from the time he was 10 till he was 16 and a half it helped him a lot



After 3 days in intensive care, little p is fine.  Turns out he had a horrendous intestinal infection.  But, what did he eat?  He’s not a grazer.  Then I saw the wellness recall .  I feed him wellness!  Coincidence??
Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers.  It really helped.



Oh Benny, you look so sweet. I hope they can get your meds adjusted accordingly!

Tessa~Wow! So happy to hear little P is doing better. What a sweetie.

Hope Luna and Henry are doing alright. QP too!

Pug Hugs from Bella & me



Tessa so glad to hear little p is doing good

Sue VDB and Annie


Tessa, glad little P is recovering.

FYI the ONLY Wellness pet food recalled was for large breed puppy 15 and 30 lb. bags, plus 5 oz. sample.  best by January 9 through January 11, 2013. No other Wellness food was recalled.  Most of the Wellness Pet food is manufactured in Mishawaka, Indiana.  Wellness no longer buys any products from Diamond Foods. So unless you bought the large breed puppy in the sizes mentioned above and the best by dates listed abovr, you are safe.  I have fed Wellness for years and I trust their company.



I just hated seeing that wrap on Baby Benny’s leg.  I knew something was up.  I hope the prescription gets his levels to exactly what they need to be!!



Corrine, thyroid problems must abound in dogs (and humans).  Georgie is on thyroid medication as was my friend’s lab.  We thought it funny that she and I, and her dog and my dog all were on thyroid meds.  Guilt by association, I guess.

If our babies have to have a problem, this one is not too terrible a one.  I was holding my breath when I saw Benny’s leg.

Tessa, yea for little P, yea for you.  So glad it’s turning out okay.  It’s like our life stops when we have a worry over our little guys (and girls).

Sue VDB, I’m glad you knew the parameters of the Wellness food recall.  I think it’s a fine product and one to be trusted.  I have switched from the Supermix to Core in the hopes of alleviating a potential allergy problem for Georgie that might have a basis in grain fed food.

I had a scare with Gracie on Tues. (you know the kind where your blood runs cold).  I was sitting at the table and giving the ‘kids’ a bite of cheese, except that Gracie looked as if she was ready to pass out.  Her head sank onto the floor, she seemed as if she was leaving and I quickly ran through possibilities as I was calling the vet.  He had just walked in the door (it was 5:45 wouldn’t you know) and I couldn’t get him anything to go on as far as what the problem might be.  She did lick the piece of cheese he said to offer her.  He wondered if she’d been out in the yard (possible bee sting, etc.) and she had.  Then she slowly started coming around and he probably thought I was a too anxious parent, but that didn’t matter.  I kept an eye right on her for the next hour and she returned to the land of the living.  Have no idea what had caused the problem but these things do seem to happen and we don’t know why.  She’s fine now and has returned to “pain in the butt” status.

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Love how Benny’s “boo-boo” has to be elevated on a pillow. He does love his pillows! Hope he perks up soon!

Sue VDB and Annie


Huckle, what a scare.  I’m glad Gracie is back to herself, and I know you will keep a close eye on her.

As far as the Wellness goes, or any food I give my babies, I do a lot of research.  I want to be as informed as possible, and do my dardest to give them the best.  The fact that Wellness immediately pulled their large breed puppy food that was affected, and quit buying from Diamond Foods, plus do testing, allows me to trust them.

Hellen Norton


Sweet baby get well soon. Takes your meds. Get a lot of rest AND get well soon!



I was thinking the same thing: that Benny’s boo-boo needed to be elevated!  Made me giggle.
And Huckle, that made my blood run cold and I was just reading about sweet Gracie.  So glad that she is back to normal.



Sue VDB, I think Wellness is a very good company too.  Well it looks like we can’t feed chicken jerky made in China,or dog food made in America.  I know that’s an exaggeration but it seems so.

Sleighbell and Sue VDB.  Thanks for your concern for Gracie.  She seems ok today but last night I thought, no way.  I had never seen a dog suddenly listless and I was pure fear with it.  Sorry to go on so but I still feel the effects of having her droop.



Hope everything will be okay hugs to this sweet boy.



Gretch - Can I be the first to comment?  LOL!!  Cute pic Bets!  My Liz and Katie wants a dog so bad.  I told them we will just visit Miles house more often, and will dog sit if they ever go out of town, that is if Barb will let us!

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