Owned by Pugs

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Urns


When Benjamin passed, I don't think that we mentioned that in addition to getting an urn for him we also bought urns for Henry, Luna and Cupid. We knew we wanted them all to be alike and we had already somewhat regretted not pre-buying for all of them when Solsey passed. We figured we'd better not make that mistake again. It is crazy, but Solsey's urn was a mere $20 from walmart.com. The other pugs, well, let's just say they were not as much of a bargain. But we wanted to be sure that they were all engraved and engraved in the same font and that they were the same style.

So, you may have noticed that Luna's is slightly smaller than Ben's. And we have Henry's waiting for him. But there is NO RUSH!!!!! Please, Henry! Stay for a long while! Like FOREVER!

We also got Cupid's urn but hers is not like the pugs's. Hers is a red ceramic heart and did not have an engraving option. But it is official. We are now mature planners. Ugh.

And for the curious, yes, Luna also had a cedar box. Cupid said good bye to her in much the same way that she said goodbye to Benny but not for nearly as long. But it was still sincere.

We are not ready for anyone else to be earning their urn any time soon. Henry & Cupid monopolize the sofa alone now. Sometimes though, just the 2 of them together literally take the whole couch! It is no small wonder how the 7 of us ever fit on there at once! (2 Humans, 4 pugs and a cat.....it was a miracle!) Now, 2 people, 2 pets and there's still not much room.

We are making it work though. Getting through the pain. Happy memories trying to replace tears of sorrow. Like Grammy always said, "this too, shall pass" and she's right. Time heals all wounds, right?

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Heidi H


We just lost out beloved pug Gus on Monday evening. The pain from losing a beloved pug is terrible. I keep telling myself “this to shall pass” as well. Just trying to remember all the love and good times as I’m sure you guys are. It isn’t easy though that is for sure. Take care.



I am in the same boat too. I lost my Sukey. Some days I still need to cry my eyes out but at least there are more and more good days between the bad. But I tell you what, I am so glad that I have my own office at work cause I think it may undermine any authority I may have for a coworker to see me balling my eyes out and blowing snot bubbles. LOL The quickest way to get through something is to barrel straight through - you’re in my prayers… say one for me too smile



So glad you are keeping your spirits up and spoiling the heck out of Henry. 

Also, you’ve given me incentive to do the future planning for my boys as well; god forbid that day come too soon.

Brenda Cooper


Yes Grammy is right and you are doing the right things with your time so it can heal your wounds. The urns are are all beautiful and your thoughts are probably like many of us that suddenly have all senior pets.  Heidi and Amanda love and prayers to on the loss of your babies. Know how hard it is.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Heidi and Amanda, please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your precious babies. Those are very difficult times.

Not the most pleasant topic today, but I certainly understand your reasoning.  And Henry, please, please, please, stay around for a long time.  The OBP household needs you very much.  QP, the same goes for you sweetheart.

As far as monopolizing the sofa, Henry and Cupid want to make sure it looks fully occupied and they are doing their best to see it is.

I may have mentioned at some point that I sleep on a reclining sofa due to acid reflux and back problems.  I went back to doing the same when I got home from rehab last Saturday.  Gee, a total of 24 days from home was a long time.  Now I have a body pillow on my right hip, plus two pillows on top for protection from Annie Fannie, Zeus who likes to sleep with me, and Frankie the cat. Missy has not adjusted to this new arrangement yet, so she hasn’t attempted to sleep with me yet.  Annie Fannie likes the new arrangement and enjoys sleeping on the pillows. The other morning I woke up and we were nose to nose. What a comforting feeling.



Oh yes Henry!! You have to be around for a long, long time… we are not ready for anymore departures…
We all love you soooo very much!!
Glad to hear you are home Sue VDB, and getting lots of lovin’.....
Sorry for your losses Amanda and Heidi, hope your households are coping as well as can be expected ((hugs))
Hope you all have fun this weekend, whatever you may do smile

sue wooding


Henry looks like he is enjoying himself it is sad to think about getting the urns all at one time but it is also smart I am sure Henry will be sticking around for a very long time

Steve Lindhurst


Heidi and Amanda, I am sorry to hear about your losses.  Is this an epidemic?  It’s getting real old real fast.  I just don’t get why animals that give us so much joy and unconditional love have to have such tragically short lives.  They work their hearts out to make us happy.  It isn’t fair.
And Amanda, I didn’t know other people blew snot bubbles, not saying I do, but wouldn’t tell if I did(chuckle).  Just sayin’.

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