Owned by Pugs

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Turtle


A few weeks ago, we were cutting the grass when we noticed this guy walking down the street.  Seeing him moseying down the street, I ran into the house to get my camera.  I snapped a few pictures and we marveled about the size of this turtle.


After, I snapped a few pictures, the turtle started on his way down the street again, but took a detour straight up our driveway when he heard the pugs barking their heads off at him at the front door.  The turtle got about 8 feet from the door and stopped to look at the pugs.  He sat there for a second and then he was on his way back down the driveway to head back down the street.


We went back to cutting the grass and didn’t really think much about the turtle.  After all, this is Florida and I am coming to learn that you never know what is lurking around.

A few days later, I go out at lunchtime to run a few errands when I see a sign posted on the community mailbox.  It’s a sign for a missing turtle!  My heart sank.  I couldn’t believe it.  Just a few days ago I was snapping pictures of someone’s missing pet and then I let that pet just wander down the street.  I jotted down the phone number and was going to give the owners a call when I got back from running my errands.  Even though there was no way for me to know that the turtle was someone’s pet I still felt bad.

Shortly after I got back home, I saw my neighbor walk past my house with a big turtle in his hands.  He saw the guy wandering around and was going to hold him until the owners could come and get him.  I felt so relieved!  About 10 minutes later the turtle was reunited with its owners!

I was so glad that the turtle made it back home safe and sound.

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I know how you must have felt, but you had no way of knowing it was a pet.  In hindsight he was probably going to the pugs maybe because there is a dog in his house.  Anyway, St. Francis intervened and all is well again.



Oh my goodness, he’s sooooo beautiful.  I love turtles…I want one…wonder what Baxter and Riley would think of that kind of addition…

Have a great weekend all!



Dang, that is a big turtle.  I think the pugs would have barked and turned tail and run.  At least I think that is what Sleighbelle would have done.
But, all’s well, the turtle is back with his family and the pugs are safe from a snapping turtle!



Don’t ya just love a happy ending?!? lol

So Sue, is Francis the saint of turtles? or animals or lost things?

He certainly is a handsome fella…for a turtle that is. wink  OBP, you did a great job again with the photos.  I love the one of him walking away down the sidewalk.  Too precious.



I was just thinking that turtle looks alot like mine.  Mine are California Desert tortoises.  Not native to Florida, at all. 

Mine get out from time to time.  I put my phone number in liquid white out, the pen kind, on his shell. (it’s a small amount and wont hurt him)  If you still have the number you may want to call them and tell them this little secret.  If he/she gets out again whoever finds him can call to return him.



Maybe if you lived in Alaska or Idaho or South Dakota and saw this fellow walking down the street, you’d have cause for concern.  But given where you live and that you’ve already had a friendly snake visit you, there was no way of telling that he belonged to someone.  Why wasn’t he wearing a collar with name tags?  wink  Not your fault and all’s well that ends well.  Enjoy your weekend



Wow,  it looks like paradise in that last photo. You are lucky to have such beautiful plants and trees around you.  We live in the desert, just sage brush and some cotton wood trees along the river.



Wow.. what a large turtle, we do not get them that big that I know of!
Glad to hear owner & pet were reunited.



Carla, St. Francis is the patron saint of animals. I have had plenty of reasons to ask St. Francis for help, and it is amazing how things have worked out.



St. Francis is the patron saint of animals.  Good to know, for all pug lovers!



Wow!  What a big turtle!  Now, I’m just wondering how does a turtle get loose and “run” away?  But Priscilla’s white out tip is a great one to help them get home.  And Corrine, if you’d seen a phone number on it written on that guy’s back, at least you would have had a good clue that it was someone’s pet and not a wild one!!



That is amazing! What a surreal site! He looks like he was making some good time too! LOL!



Hey, good luck to all the Texas Gulf Coast residents.  Here in Fort Worth, we are expecting 5-7 inches of rain and winds around 45-55 mph—all thanks to Ike. 
I think I might have to tether Sleighbelle if she goes out in that kind of wind!  I’m praying that Ike is more bark than bite, for all our sakes. Batton down the hatches!



You and Sleighbelle and all other Texonians will be in our prayers Christina.

Corrine - OBP


Christina & everyone else in Ike’s path - Best of luck with Ike.  We will be keeping an eye on the weather and keeping you in our thoughts.

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