Sunday, August 30, 2015
The Recipe Blog
We were asked in the first Ask OBP post to share recipes of what the pugs have eaten over the years. For some reason, we have been procrastinating writing that post like never before. And, for the record, only ONE of is a procrastinator!
So, without further ado, below are some links to previous posts that are related to recipes.
- The OBP home cooked meal. The food bowl the pugs basically grew up on and ate most of their lives.
- Pug Bars. A not so popular recipe with our pugs, but The Daily Puglet seemed to enjoy them!
- Chicken Ginger Biscuits. Not a staple at our house, but something we made once as a treat for the pugs
- Bob Evans Pumpkin Bread! A favorite by ALL in the OBP house, but we don't cook it, we just buy it.
A close second to Bob Evan's pumpkin bread was Ann's pumpkin cupcakes. Here is the quick and easy recipe for how to make a whole loaf!
Once we made a meatloaf for the pugs that had garlic it in. The recipe billed itself as a great, all natural way to ward off fleas. It turned out a little gross (very greasy), but that didn't stop the pugs from eating it. The only problem is they all got sick from eating the garlic! So, here is some handy info about garlic and dogs. It may ward off the vampires, but it is not that great for a pup!
I am starting to wonder why anyone would ask us for recipes! We are reviewing our history and we certainly do not look like world class pug chefs! But in my digging around to find recipes, I did come across the funniest video EVER. It sort of reminds me of the old commercial where Mr. Owl gets asked how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop. (One, A-T~wo, AThree. Crunch Three.). Well, how long does it take Baby Benny to tell the difference between pumpkin bread and broccoli? Quicker than 3 I can tell you! If you blink you will miss it!
Hopefully, the hysterical video made up for the weak recipes. I would be lying if I said I can watch that video only once. And really every time I see it, I have to watch it at least 5x! And by that time I have pee so bad that I have to stop watching.
#BennyGivesMeAWeakBladder #RecipeBlogEpicFail #OBPPeepsDontCook #ShareRecipesInComments #ReadersWillDoBetter
pug mama - Jen C
OMG, That video of Baby Ben is hysterical! Thanks for the links to all the recipes. I never realized Bob Evans was involved in the Pugkin Bread either. I always thought you had made it all. Now I know! Lily will eat anything, so I don’t think I have to track down a Bob Evans.