Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Other Kind of Dry Eye


Benjamin has been having some eye issues of late. He frequently has mucus in his eyes and in the morning he has been waking up with lots of crust around his eyes. To top it off, the whites of his eyes have started to be red and irritated looking.

We decided to take Benny to the eye vet. The same eye vet that Luna has seen for years and who just did Henry's eye surgery. (I guess Benny was feeling left out of the eye exam club). Benjamin had his exam and much to our surprise they diagnosed him with dry eye. It was surprising to us because Luna suffers from a very bad case of dry eye and her eyes actually look dry. Benjamin's eyes, on the other hand, are always moist looking, almost too watery. But it turns out that the quality of Benjamin's tears is poor. So even though his eyes are moist his tears aren't able to properly refresh his eyes. So just like Luna, Benjamin suffers from dry eye.

We left the eye vet with a course of eye drops for Benny that will help with his condition (all different from the drops that Luna takes of course). We have been giving them to him for a few days and have already seen a some progress. He no longer has the crust around his eyes in the morning when he wakes up. Hopefully Benny will be feeling better soon.

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“Sandman” won’t be visiting you any more!  Hope all goes well with your Peepers Benny!!!



Good Luck Baby Benny. I know your Mom will help your eyes feel better. Such troopers.

Sue States


Hope Benny’s eyes continue to improve.Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado2



I’m glad you figured out that something was going on, and now he’s doing better!

When you were at the eye vet, did they ask if you had any other pets ; ) 

Note to Cupid:  Do NOT think you need to join the Eye Exam Club.

Sue VDB and Annnie Fannie


Progress for Benny sounds encouraging.

How in the world do you keep up with all these meds given throughout the day…first Luna and her spreadsheet, now Benjamin?

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