Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 30, 2014

The New Normal

Henry and Luna

So, it's been about 2 weeks now since Baby Benny crossed the Rainbow Bridge. While we have thought about the what if's of being down a pug has meant there are things that we hadn't really considered.

One of the main things is what to do when one of them has a "that dog only" appointment or event. For example, Luna will need to go for a recheck to the eye vet soon. Before, we could just bring Luna and the boys would stay home alone but together. They each had a stay home buddy to be with. In the example here, when it's Luna's appointment time, do we take her and leave Henry home alone? Or do we take them both? And what if the roles were reversed. This became a more immediate question recently as Henry was loosely scheduled to attend the Bark at the Park event at our local minor league baseball stadium. Of course, it would have been weather dependent. Being June in Florida, it's hot. Hot for pugs. WAY too hot for Luna and even pretty hot for Henry. But this was something we really needed to think about. As it turns out, it was too hot the day of the event. But the philosophy remained about how to handle these types of scenarios.

We definitely know that Henry cannot be left alone. He already has been wanting to go EVERYWHERE we go (this started even before Benny died). Henry just has a super strong sense of entitlement. He knows he is well behaved enough to go most places and just be a good boy. But there is no explaining that they simply do not allow non-service dogs into the grocery store, at the gym or the mall. He's smart but still not really to be reasoned with.

Luna, on the other hand,has never really given us a fit when one of the other pugs disappears for a short time. Either one of the boys could go to the vet, go see Grammy, enjoy a ball game or even just run to the mailbox without her batting a dry eye. But we never had to try leaving her home alone. (Insert Macaulay Culkin Home Alone face and scream here.) We really are not sure what she would do. She might continue to live in oblivion or she may go the route of her internal feisty self and pitch a fit, grumbling, barking and giving the air a "what for" attitude.

Henry and Luna

This leaves the question of do we even chance it? We don't want to get Luna all worked up (which could possibly be to a point of no return for her) and we already know that we cannot leave Henry alone, for sure. So, I guess, we have solved the problem. Either they both go, or neither of them go. So, it's the new dynamic duo now. They will do all things altogether.

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They certainly are “dynamic duo!!!
It would be hard to leave one of them home alone, when it’s never happened to them   smile  It is a hard decision.  xo

sue wooding


I think its a good idea to take both or leave both at home they are a duo



I vote for taking them both with you, or maybe Grammy could babysit if one must stay at home. Love these stories and pictures! Thank you for making my day. (s)



Seems like a great solution!  Although if next year is a good one weather-wise for the game, I can envision Luna’s weary attitude as the game stretches on ; )

That being said, I’d like to add that they both look very good.  I love both pictures ♥



I’m so sorry this is what you have to think about now. But I think bringing them both or leaving them both is the best answer. Do they seem to be ‘sticking together’ more or is it just like before?

Still sending tons of prayers and good thoughts your way! God Bless the OBP home and family.

Sue States


Seems that you can’t break up the dynamic duo-so they stay or go together! Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

Patricia spano


This may be too soon to bring it up,but is there a possibility of adding a senior pug to the duo?

Penny Gray


I’m in the same predicament since I lost my pug, Beau, the very same day and you lost Benny.  I still can’t believe they are BOTH gone!  I think I’m still in shock.  My two that are left are pretty much going everywhere together now, too.  I can hardly leave them just to go to work.  I hope you are coping well.  I’ve been thinking about you all!



We have two kidz as well, Vito and Olive…as a general rule we take them every where together…even to vet appointments. It just seems to be easier that way, no one gets stressed or depressed being left home by themselves…why invite trouble?

brenda in texas


Love you all and just remember everyday will take care of itself. Your dynamic duo is very blessed to have you for parents.



In our house there is very little chance of leaving with only one pug.  We try to make vet appointments on the same day for our girls and when we show up for an appointment with one they always know that both will be there. We’ve confused a number of new office workers that way.



Ha! When our beloved Otis crossed over the RBB on a Friday our remaining pug Sadie freaked out when we returned to work on Monday and was frothing when I came home at lunch time to let her out.  We didn’t even know she liked Otis. So on Tuesday she became the new girl at the office.  Two weeks later we adopted Milo, a pug puppy, and Sadie was content to stay home and sit outside his crate growling and being mean. Ah that’s the old girl that we knew.  When Sadie crossed over Milo came to the office until we rescued Princess Marie (white pug). I am fortunate that I can do that but I totally understand your dilemma.



I don’t think my last comment went through…

Anyway, we send 4 paws up for the dynamic duo version of the new now. Bax and Riley and then Bax and Cole never traveled solo. And you know that Baby Benny is right there making the trio whole, just in a different way; one none of us prefers. Miss you Ben!

Looney and Hank, can’t wait to hear about your adventures as this dynamic duo!

Cole and I can kind of relate now that Baxter isn’t with us. I was just remarking today about how he’s my sidekick, him and me against the world.

Love to you all.

Sue VDB: still praying! Let us know how you are when you can!



Penny, so sorry about your Beau :( thoughts and prayers for you all



When I had only 2 pugs they went everywhere together. That way nobody felt slighted and I didn’t have to hear all the crazy barking of the one left behind.



Have you tried leaving Luna in a way that she can be monitored? For example, going out with Henry, but staying right by house where you can hear (or even look in a window) to see whether she has a problem?

Steve Lindhurst


We never, ever leave one animal at home alone.  We always, always, always take both , especially to the vet.  Moral support, you know.  Back before our beloved Bella was murdered on Christmas Morning 2013, we would take all 3.  I guess it’s a little more simple now that we only have to accommodate 2 of our precious critters.



Oh my goodness Steve. I’m so sorry about Bella. Do you mind if I ask what happened? I’m sorry for your loss.

Sue States


OMG Steve, I can’t believe something so horrible you must be devastated! I fear for my 2 girls especially around the 4th of July having heard of can’t call them animals because animals would never do such a thing and they certainly aren’t any human I’d care to know,persons that harm animals with fire works.That anybody would deliberately hurt an animal is so beyond me. So sorry this happened to you. Special pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

Steve Lindhurst


Gina, I never mentioned it before because it was a little hard to talk(write)abut. This is, minus the obviously gory details, what happened: My wife’s adult son was visiting with us with his two dogs from Austin, Texas.  This was pretty much normal as he hated to have to board them anywhere, and we always agreed.  On Christmas Morning around 8 A.M. we heard a faint yelp which was not normal because the little 7-8 lb. Pomeranian always had a very loud voice, even at 15 years old.  Her son and I ran into the room where one of his dogs was and found Bella laying there with an obviously broken neck, yet not quite still yet.  When I picked her up she emptied her bladder and then she was still.  There was an awful lot of blood.  We don’t really know why this happened because the dog was mostly well behaved in the house.  I am pretty sure she didn’t really suffer because it seems to have happened so fast.  She didn’t even have time to scream, and I believe she was in shock when I picked her up.  My wife chose to not ruin the holiday for the guests we were expecting that day and said she would grieve after they left.  She’s tougher than me that way.  I had murder in my heart would didn’t want to compound the problem by killing the other dog.  I abided by her wishes.  Bella was my wife’s baby and she will be a long time getting over it.  Her son will never bring another dog to our home again, no exceptions.  He prefers the pit bulls which were always well behaved and sweet with us.  No more.  When everyone finally went home late that night, I went to my shop where I had put Bella wrapped in the blanket she died in, It happened to be very cold that day, so that was no problem.  I commenced to build her a nice little box out of aromatic cedar.  I placed her in it, nailed the lid on and when it became daylight a few hours later my wife and I put her to rest in the ground in my wife’s lovely court-yard.  End of story.  I am really sorry to have to tell such a depressing story in light of recent tragic events but I guess I just let it slip talking about taking the pups to the vet, kind’a just opened everything back up knowing that we won’t be taking Bella with us anymore.

Steve Lindhurst


Hey, I have to add one thing.  I don’t hate Pit Bulls or any other breed. just have to pay more attention and protect my own Pug and mixed breed by whatever means necessary.



Oh my goodness Steve. I am so sorry for you and your wife’s loss. That is terrible. Thank you for sharing that with us here. Your family is included in prayers now.

Sue States


Steve, Holding your family in prayer-it is hard to loose a beloved pet-no matter the breed. I had a german shepard kill a kitten on me-don’t hate german shepards just the owner who refused to keep his dog leashed when out. Especially after 2 killings and having bit my sister. Again, sorry for such a loss.Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

It’s a pug’s world.  We are just living in it.

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