Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Early Pug Gets the Cheerios


Some mornings, after I have gotten out of bed to get my shower, Benny slinks part of the way out from under the covers and makes himself comfortable on my pillow.  To see him snoring away in my spot always makes me laugh.


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Best pics ever!!!  You look soooooo cozy Mr. Ben…mind if I come for a snuggle??



Benny looks so comfy!



Gee mom, did you have to wake me up with that darn clicky thing again?  I was having a really good dream.



I’ve got a question for all you owned by pugs:  do your pugs sleep under the covers or on top?  Our Lucy used to bury herself at our feet under the covers—how she breathed, lord knows!  Daphne prefers to sleep between us, under the covers, but with her head out, just like Benny, above.  Is this a pug thing, or what?



um, next time could you use more softner in the wash?  These sheets are a tad stiff.  Thanks mom.



Aww, makes me want to snuggle up with my Lily and go back to bed.  He looks so cozy and comfy!



Dottie, Romeo starts out under the covers and sometimes stays there and other times crawls out and sleeps on top on me!

sue s


Morning Already? Can you keep the noise down in the shower plase? Why can’t people just lick themselves? its not so noisey!! As for the Bed question-daisey sleeps under the covers to start near the middle and always between me & hubby. Beauty starts on top near the bottome if it’s above 30 degrees or under the covers if it’s below 30. Both end up under the covers by about 12:00AM and its time to re-arrange! It is a pug & boston thing for sure!!!

Lucy's Mommy


Our Lucy is a “burrower” as well, which is why she only sleeps in our bed when my husband is out of town now. She likes to be down between our feet but when my husband’s snoring wakes her up she stands up (thereby creating an in-rush of cold air-not pleasant during the winter months!) and makes her way out, to then go back down to sleep on top of the covers between our feet. Which usually doesn’t wake me up but then she gets cold and stands on my pillow nudging my shoulder so I’ll lift the covers to let her go back uder again. This happens several times a night. Thankfully, when he’s out of town she curls up by my tummy and stays put all night.
I think it is a pug thing, my son’s pug is a burrower too.



All types of dogs (and critters, for that matter) love their “comfy spots,” but pugs do seem to take the cake for achieving maximum comfort at all times!  And there’s truly nothing as comfortable as snugglin’ with one’s pug!

Heather and Bud


How about some breakfast in bed Mom! Let’s see ... I’ll have bacon (extra crispy) and eggs over easy. Don’t forget the pugkin toast and coffee. Did I mention the newspaper too?



Hooie also does this.  He will move the blankets with his paw, crawl under them, lay on his back at the foot of the bed, and then use his paws to move the covers off his face!  This is something he does nightly, however I rarely get to have him laying on a pillow beside me like Benny.  Maybe my breath stinks or something….



Sleighbelle changes it up.  Sometimes she is under, sometimes on the covers.  She usually stays in the tummy area, curled up next to me, as I sleep on my side.  Sometimes it makes me mad, cause she is a bed HOG, but if she is on your chair, then I miss her and I usually go get her!  Pugs, gotta love um!



Baxter and Riley both go under the covers…Baxter much more often than Ri…Bax also stays under for long durations…Ri will go under but only for a short while…



HOW CUTE! He’s like a little person!

And yes, Marti burrows under the covers to sleep by our feet. Sometimes she comes up for air, panting, when she gets too warm. hehe.



Aww…so cute.

And I don’t trust Rukia on our bed. I’ve set her on it twice and she’s peed on it twice. I’m afraid little baby girl doesn’t get a 3rd try!



How sweet it is! Those are precious photos. I wish I could snuggle with my pugs, but every time I let them come into my room/bed, they have a terrible habit of “marking their territory”  in the room, in the bathroom and even on the bed!  Does anyone have any experience with this or any advice or solutions they can offer?



If I saw these photos of Benny on some random website, I would swear that they were photoshopped.  But as we all know, pugs are people too!



Benny, by now your puffy is clean and dry and you don’t have to worry anymore.



You just made my day with those pictures!!

sue s


Just a question for you all-Do any of your pugs do the “circling dance” thing? Beauty has to go in several circles before she can settle-even Daisey can’t believe what Beauty has to do to get comfy!

sinn o bat


ooooh, what a lovely dream. now where’s breakfast?



yes, my pug loves to be under the covers next to me, i mean if i rollover which i do alot thru the night and he is not next to me, he literally has to body slam into me and be as close as he possibly can to be joined at the hip. and hog the bed till no end.

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