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Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Cough - Part II


The morning of our appointment with the specialist Luna was a little cranky. She didn't get to eat her breakfast and she found out that her brothers quickly scarfed down breakfast while she was made to go potty outside. Another interesting thing happened on the day of Luna's appointment, her cough was non existent. At the vet's office we were flabbergasted. We couldn't make the girl cough if we wanted to. We really didn't know what to make of it because Luna has "good" days, but those days don't include a day without coughing.

We met with the vet and described Luna's issues and came up with a plan for the day. Luna was going to have an ultrasound on her heart to determine once and for all if she had pulmonary hypertension. They would also draw blood and take an x-ray of her lungs. If pulmonary hypertension was ruled out by the ultrasound they then wanted to do a scope of her airway. This procedure would require Luna to be sedated. We agree to all the tests and left Luna in their care for her battery of tests.

Later that afternoon, they called to let us know that the ultrasound confirmed that Luna did not have pulmonary hypertension, so she was going to have the scope of her airway done. We were most worried about this test, but we knew that the scope would more than likely provide us with the best information of what was going on. Sol, had a scope of her airway done and it helped us determine exactly where her trachea was collapsed and unfortunately let us know that there wasn't anything we could do about it.

The scope revealed that Luna has a very mild trachea collapse, but that the mainstream bronchi on both sides were about 50% collapsed. Furthermore, several of the second and third generation bronchi were collapsed almost 100%. Many of the airways contained a moderate amount of mucus, especially the areas where the collapse was the greatest. A lung wash was performed and the fluid obtained was submitted for cytology and culture.

As we suspected, the scope was the most revealing procedure. Luna's trachea isn't the real culprit, it's her mainstream bronchi and lower airways that is giving her trouble. In addition, the mucus also leads them to suspect that Luna suffers from chronic bronchitis.

More on the treatment plan that we will be starting tomorrow.

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Boy, I bet Luna was glad to get home.

It’s always good to know but….

Healing juju for Luna!

Waiting to hear the treatment plan.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



Good to read that the problem was found!!!
Hope you got lunch or a snack of some sort when you got home Luna girl!!!!



Luna you are one tough little girl——-glad all the tests are over and you will have a new treatment plan soon. Lots of treats for Luna!!

Tessa, Wally and Little P


Glad to hear little Luna is getting such good care.  Yes, I’m sure she was happy to come home!!



I want to hug Luna right now so bad!!

pug mama


Can I get in line to pile hugs and kisses on little Luna?  Dear sweet girl, I hope this scope exam helped to pinpoint the problem better so that your vet and humans are best able to treat you <3



This probably will sound stupid, but I’m wondering if the bronchi involvement is better, worse, or about the same in relation to a collapsing trachea?  Neither, of course, sound good.  However, Luna’s such a little trooper, as Nancy said, “one tough little girl”. that it’s got to turn out all right for her.  Bless her little heart.

Georgie had a bad night, constant panting so neither of us got much sleep.  Will call the vet in a little while and see if there isn’t some way to make him comfortable at night.  Am considering also calling the “pincushion doctor” as well, but don’t want to step on toes.



If it is some sort of bronchitis, would anti biotics do anything? Stupid question probably but I had to ask. I will pray even harder for sweet Luna.

Huckle~Don’t worry about stepping on toes when it comes to your babies. Someone needs to find an answer for you as to why he is panting. I hope you get an answer soon. I’m sorry you didn’t get any sleep either.



I am glad you got answers to Lunas coughing I am hoping and praying treatment plan goes well sending some prayers Huckle for sweet Georgie



Luna sure had quite the day. Prayers for her continue. Get some rest pretty girl.

Huckle, prayers also for Georgie!!

Steve Lindhurst


I am completely baffled by what is going on with Luna.  The only thing I understand is that there is some sort of treatment for her, and that gives cause for hope.  More prayers coming her way.

Huckle, toes were meant to be stepped on.  Sometimes that’s the only way to get someone’s attention.  Prayers for Georgie, too.



Thank you for our update.  More prayers and love are on the way for our sweet little Luna and Georgie too!



Pug Mama, I will answer your question of yesterday and then try to shut up.  Luna is our main concern, and as with Georgie, she is so darn sweet to have to go through this.  Lotsa prayers heading your way Sweet Luna.

Pug Mama, “pug oysters” to me concern that thick, mucusey stuff that humans try to clear from their throats sometimes in the morning.  With a human, that would most likely get resolved, eventually, with a lot of, shall I say “hacking.”  However, in pugdom, it just seems to hang around and nothing gets cleared up and they cough and cough and cough and then other problems arise.

Thank each and everyone of you for your good wishes for Georgie.  He is my little sweetheart, obviously!

Mary M.


Prayers going up for Georgie and sweet Luna!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Luna’s diagnosis is no fun, but it evidently there is as treatment plan that sweet Solsey was not allowed.  That part is good news, and I pray her plan makes a world of difference in this little girl.

Huckle, I’m with everyone else.  Stepping on toes is sometimes necessary and if that’s what it takes to make Georgie feel better, than go for it.  That is the important part, not worrying about stepping on toes.

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