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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Cough - Part I


In an effort to get to the bottom of Luna's cough, we made an appointment with the specialist to have further tests done. We know from Solsey that there isn't a lot you can do with a collapsing trachea, but Luna's cough and symptoms have been different enough that we aren't 100% sure that Luna's cough is caused solely by a collapsed trachea. In addition, the number of medications that Luna is on to control her cough seems unreasonable for the results that we are seeing. In short, for as much meds as Luna is on we feel like we should see better results if we were treating her for the right thing.

Sol had the classic goose honk type of cough that was associated with a collapsed trachea. Her condition didn't fluctuate much. Sure, some days were better than others, but the cough was there no matter what and it was the same type of cough. Luna is all over the map and her cough is more like a gagging than a goose honk. The thing that concerns me the most is Luna has a lot of mucus. Sol never had any mucus.

So, we set off to the specialist to see if they could help us figure out what is going on with Luna. I'll let you know about our visit to the "special" vet tomorrow.

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Please keep us posted and lots of fingers crossed for good results.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



Hoping you get answers from the vt please keep us up dated



Sometimes we just instinctively know when things are not right despite evidence to the contrary.  And being familiar with the differences between Solsey’s coughing and Luna’s may mean something.  You are wise to rule out other possibilities.  Our prayers are with you and precious baby Luna.

And speaking of coughing, Georgie was at the vet’s yesterday due to a bad case of “pug oysters” and is walking a fine line toward pneumonia. More medication for him as well.

Janice, Snuggles, Sassy, and Dixie


Luna we hope that the “special” vet finds the source of your coughing and gives you some relief.  Also, Georgie, we are thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery.



Awww, sweet girl.  Hope all goes well with the vet.

xoxo   Patty



Such a beautiful shot of our pretty lady!!  Prayers for Luna (and Georgie too!).  I know she’s in the best hands and taking her appointments like a trooper.

Smooches to you sweet Luna…Loving your smile and glassy peepers!



I hope the appointment goes well, too.  And I also hope Georgie does well.

This is a very pretty picture of “our” Looney Girl ♥

Pen & Lucy's Mommy


I’ll be very interested to see what the vet says as this sounds like the same thing we’re going through with Lucy. Every morning (and some evenings) after she goes out for her “morning constitutional” she spends several minutes coughing and trying to blow stuff out of her nose (pretty gross!) and rubbing her face on the rug (even more gross!)

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Sending up prayers for a good solution to precious Luna’s problem cough.

Huckle, hope Georgie gets well soon.  That nasty pneumonia can knock the socks off our sweet puggies.

pug mama


Dear Luna, here’s hoping you had a valuable trip to the specialist vet.  My Abby had varying coughs and they sure could be scary.

Ok, Huckle.  I didn’t know what your reference to pug oysters meant so I googled it thinking I was missing things.  I came up with a previous OBP post by you-LOL. So, do tell.  And, get well Georgie <3

Elizabeth and MAC


Oh, What a great picture of Luna.  Her eyes are so bright!!!  I am praying for excellent outcome for Luna and for Georgie as well.  I love you sweet little Puggies.  All the BEST!  wink
Hugs from Elizabeth and MAC in NY~

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