Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Cough


Yesterday, at the vet, Sol had a shot that would hopefully help her cough and I think it is working so far. She still has a little coughing fit whenever she gets excited (meal time) or when she barks, but she doesn't seem to be coughing as much when she is just resting.

It's progress at least. It will be interesting to see how things play out leading up to Wednesday.

More Sol kisses coming your way for all your support!

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Love this pic of pretty Miss Sol…Glad to hear her cough is responding well.  I’m surprised to hear it was a shot treatment.  I’ve been praying for it to subside and for her to gear up for her successful surgery.

Keep those kisses coming Sol…can’t get enough!  Smooches to you, too, Love.



Good for Sol!! I hope she gets better SO soon and she can have that surgery!! smile
Pugs kisses from Bentley and Sofie!



Another great picture of Precious Sol!  You are a sweetheart Miss Sol.  Hope your cough keeps responding.  Kisses back at ya little darling.



Kisses back to you sweet Sol.  You know we are all pulling for you with our thoughts and prayers.  Give lots of those kisses to your mom and dad, too. It sounds like medicine is working on that nasty cough and you keep up the good work sweetheart.  We all love you.



Just look at that face!  It is Adorable!

We have our fingers crossed that the cough goes completely away fast.

Patty V


Oh that IS good news. Hope she keeps getting better and better every day!



Little sweet Sol, praying that you stop this little pesty cough and get ready for your surgery. Lots of love coming your way and thanks for the puggy kisses.

Penny 'n her pugs


Might Sol have trachea problems? My Harley, 8 yr old, has 50% collapsed trachea (which we were told was probably since birth) and until recently diagnosed had coughing problems alot.  Just a thought.  He’s on a multi-med regime daily to keep him comfortable and not coughing to aggrevate his trachea.  Good luck.



what a sweet face!



*kissies and sneezes to Sol in solidarity and support and love* She continues to be in my prayers!



Julie and pugs send you our love and hope you get well soon,you are such a sweet girl sol you are in our thoughts and prayers.



Gabe and I are praying with all paws for a full recovery and a possible vacation for you guys after this is over. We are so blessed to have you in our life, so we send all those blessings to you and prayers to take care of all of your needs whatever they may be. God Bless you and Miss Sol, Miss Luna
{girls go first}, also the handsome Benjamin and Henry.



I hope Sol gets better soon; what a sweetheart she is.  My beloved Milo used to have a cough that my vet thought was just a seasonal allergy and prednazone always did the trick.  Glad to hear that the shot seems to be doing the trick!

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