Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Breakfast of Champions?

Breakfast Blur

This is a pretty typical view of the morning’s daily events.  The last thing I do in the morning is eat breakfast which usually consists of a bowl of cheerios, a banana and a glass of orange juice.  Well, bananas are one of the boys’ favorite “table scraps”.  So, each day, there stand Benjamin & Henry putting on their cutest “I’m starving” faces. (Henry demonstrates his below)

Henry's please feed me face

They don’t begin to stir until they hear the snapping sound of the opening of the banana.  Sometimes, if I am feeling very generous, I will dip the banana in the cheerios and a few will stick to the banana so that they have a nice crunchy/mushy combination.  It is a true testament to their different personalities, though. Henry will wait patiently but wide eyed for the next sliver of banana to come his way.  But bouncy baby Benny will go from the sit position to having both front paws on my thigh in a split second and then repeat this process.  Up, down, up, down.  He is chock full of excited “I love banana” energy.  And there sits Henry, still waiting.  His eyes seem to pop out of his head, but he is still patient.  Henry just sits waiting, waiting, waiting as Benjamin bounces and circles.  I guess they can’t wait for their daily potassium intake.  They just use their time differently while waiting.  Tomorrow I will tell you about another special treat that they got for breakfast.


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