Owned by Pugs

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Breakfast Intruder


This post may be a little on the dramatic side, but that is because I mapped it out in my head in the two hours I laid awake during the wee hours of Saturday morning because my heart was still beating out of my chest.

Saturday morning, around 4am I was sleeping soundly when I was suddenly awoken by a blood curdling scream.  It startled me so bad that I actually jumped out of bed.  As I was standing bleary eyed next to the bed, I was trying to process what I heard.  In what seemed like forever, but really only amounted to a second in time, I thought about the cat.  Was it her?  Did she get in some sort of fight through the screen with a wild animal?  But, the noise didn’t sound like a cat sound.  It sounded like a human scream, so my next logical conclusion in my sleepy state was that someone had broken into the house and was in the process of killing us.  Clearly, that could be the only other possible option for what I heard.

But then, I heard the screech again.  I scanned the bed and noticed that the pugs were gone and while I was processing that thought, I heard the screech again and then I heard a sound I was all to familiar with.  It was the sound of a metal bowl clanking against the glass top of the stove.

At that point, I realized that the screaming was in fact Sol, and that the problem was not that the pugs were under attack from some intruder, but that it was taking a bit too long for Sol’s breakfast to be served.

See, Sol gets very excited when it is time to eat and she likes to voice her excitement.  However, she can’t hear.  So rather then letting us know how happy she is to eat at a reasonable level, she screeches at the top of her lungs.  Since she doesn’t hear anything, she just assumes that she isn’t making any noise and let me tell you that is not the case.  That girl has some lungs on her.

After realizing what was going on, I plopped back in bed and thought to myself, “Looks like I just figured out what I am going to write about on Monday.”

A few minutes later Sol was finished her breakfast and she came back to bed.  She curled up in the crook of my arm and within a few minutes was sound asleep completely unaware that she nearly gave her mother a heart attack just a few minutes earlier.

While Sol was sleeping soundly, I, on the other hand, was wide awake at this point.  It took me about 2 hours to finally fall back asleep and shortly after I did wouldn’t you know the alarm went off.

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Wow, what a scare!!!  It is no fun being woken up terrified…but after all is said and done, what a funny girl that Sol is!  You’ll have to try and capture her screams on tape for us!!



LOL.  Although the initial reaction brought fear, I would love to hear Sol scream.  She has added an entirely new dimension to your lives.  I am still laughing so hard I can hardly write this post.



OMG!  Not a good way to wake up!  Maybe a late night snack to help Sol wait until breakfast?  Maybe some Ambien for the girl?  Just kidding!



Sol is so much like my late Ellie, in so many ways!  Ellie was 15 years old and deaf too.  She would get super excited for her meals too and firmly believed in the “Senior Early Bird Special” for each meal.  Ellie would wake up about the same time as Sol and demand, very loudy, her breakfast too.  She would also wake up all the other pugs and the only option for us was to just get up and feed everybody.  As with Sol, with a full tummy, it took the pugs no time to fall back asleep smile  But us on the other hand, same thing, falling asleep right before the alarm goes off.  I wouldn’t change any of that for the world smile

Wendy in TLH


That’s funny and scary! I can imagine how freaked you were!! Sol seems like such a peach, and that’s funny about her with the food. You gotta give her props - she knows what she wants… wink I love reading about the pugs and hope that as a mom to all four you had a great Mother’s Day! smile



Ahhh… you gotta love the food cries of the hungry pug!! smile



Tina, our other pug has lungs on her too and screams like a person!  It really cracks me up when she yowls like a human and thinks she is getting left in the car, or when I am about to take them outside on a leash.

If Sol’s voice is anything like Tina’s, I do not envy you in the least for being woken up by that.



so, at 4 a.m., you got up and feed the crew?  Sleighbelle usually is up about 5:45 wanting breakfast, and just like Sol, once that tummy is full (is a pug’s tummy ever really “full”?) she plops back in bed and is sound asleep, while I toss and turn.
I think we all can feel your pain!



Very funny! She’s so adorable, though!



Awwwwww, precious little Sol!  What a way to wake up!  I’ve been out of touch for a week and missed these daily “breaks”...glad to be back so I can start my day with these wonderful pugs and their mom.



That is too funny! My guys tried that once and I sent them back to bed.. I am a mean pug mommy but that isn’t something we need everday! My guys love routine lol

You’ll have to get a video of her screeching.. I have only ever heard Indy screech once when she was younger, she had a bad dream, it scared me so badly I brought her back to my bed. smile



I’ve always taken Bennie to the vet to get his nails clipped, and he screams—loudly—while it’s being done.  Our vet hates the screaming because he says it scares the other animals!!!  I’m sure it does, too.

Carla End


OK, so I’m guessing hubby had gotten up to feed the crew?  at 4am???  wow.  We are so fortunate.  Our guys never scream for us to get up and feed them.  And they don’t get fed till after their walk at 7 am.  That’s when their daddy’s body alarm goes off so he gets the early shift.  After that, they come back to bed with mama to wait for her alarm to go off so they can have their cherrios.

BTW, for those that didn’t read the Fasion Forward posting yesterday, Rascal got an all-clear report at the vet Saturday.  Thanks to everyone for their prayers and concern.



LOL, I laughed so hard reading this smile Sol has got to be the sweetest pug, but I’m not envious of you for dealing with screeching.

If it makes you feel any beater, Seamus has decided the only polite way to ask to be let under the covers is to paw your nose/eyes at 3 am….

Stacy and Brutus


Oh we are sorry you were so scared. Thanks for sharing the story though. It is like the one you posted about where either Benny or Henny was picked up and carried around by that greyhound. It wasn’t funny then, but it’s funny now. Can you by change get some video/audio of the gal screaming? I bet she looks funny when she is screaming too.



I laughed so hard I damn near peed my pants!!!
So sorry that you had the wits scared right outta you, but that story is HILARIOUS!!!



What greyhound picked up Henry or Benny?  I’m curious as I had a greyhound who was as sweet as could be.  Hopefully, he wasn’t hurt.



Perhaps you could resort to the method that the writer Cleveland Amory used to use with his cat, also a rescue, who demanded a middle of the night feeding-a bowl by the bed and a packet of food.  The cat, named Polar Bear,  would demand food, Amory would roll over in bed and put the food in the bowl, and then roll right back over and go back to sleep. A satisfying arrangement for both of them!



This post made my day. I’ve love to hear it! smile

Karen B


C.J. and Toeby are both screechers, whether it’s for out to walk or time to eat.  They would never wake me up that way though.  Too funny!

And by the way, Carla, that’s fabulous news about Rascal!!!!!!

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