Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thanks, Gina!


Last week, we received a care package in the mail from Gina. When I got back from the mailbox, I let the pugs know that they got a surprise in the mailbox. They inspected the package and were very anxious for me to open it up.

Inside, was a huge bag of Grandma Lucy's Pumpkin Organic Baked dog treats. The pugs couldn't wait for me to get the bag open. Needless to say, they loved the pumpkin treats! LOVED THEM! (Gina, have you got these for Bella before? When I opened the bag, they smelled so good, that I thought about trying them myself. wink)




Not only did Gina send the pugs treats, she also included goodies for Cupid. So far, Cupid's favorite treat has been the Primal Freeze Dried Chicken and Salmon.

Thank you Gina for the awesome treats. You made the pugs' and Cupid's day!

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Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Way to go Gina.  Not only did you makeBenny, Henry, Luna and Cupid happy, but OBPers got a treat with the story and pictures.



that was so sweet of you Gina it looks like Henry Benny Luna and Cupid really enjoyed them can I ask where you got them



This is so exciting! They all look so cute and I love how Luna’s back end is blurry which means she must be wagging her tail. smile  And I love the pic of Cupid licking the treat. How sweet! You made my day Corrine! I bought Bella a different version with blueberry and pumpkin in it. But I guess I need to go get a bag of the plain pumpkin flavor for her. smile

Sue~I got everything at a local store here called The Green Spot. The owner is the president of Pug Partners of Nebraska. They are a “green” store and just opened a year ago. They seem to be doing quite well. Their logo is a pug and they have a ton of great things in their store. I just love them!

Thanks for posting all of this Corrine! You made my day!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me!

Hellen Norton


Yum Yum!!!! What wonderful treats you guys are sharing!!!

I loves Pumpkin anyway I can gets it! Dakota!



Those are some yummy looking treats, Gina!  I love the intent enthusiasm everyone shows!!

I will confess something here.  There have been a few occasions that I have actually tasted one of the dog treats myself!  Usually I still want to stick with the human treats, tho!



So sweet of you Gina!  The gang certainly looks quite pleased with their surprise!  What a great shot of Henry and I love lil Cupid’s pink tongue…soooo cute!

Enjoy Puggers and pretty kitty!

Darci and Abbey the Pug


I was going to ask you where you found those, but my guess was going to be The Green Spot! I love all the people there!!
If anyone wants to follow them on Facebook they are The Green Spot Omaha. Great local business and locally owned!! Support the little guys!!

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Benny’s looking like, “You take one more step near these and I’m not responsible for what happens”.

Gina, you certainly made some Florida pugs and Cupid happy.  What a nice thing to do.

Oh, Martha.  That’s so funny.  My guess is you taste the treats to make sure they are okay?!  What if they wouldn’t be and you ended up in the emergency room, just what would you tell them you did?  [I don’t mean Gina’s treats.)

sue states


Enjoyed the pictures (maybe) as much as the gang enjoyed their treats! What a nice thing to do, Gina! Here’s a special pug hug for you rfom pastor sue & the colorado 2



cool! I think i might start looking for those if your pugs like them so much! :D



Darci~They are so cool there! Check out their facebook page ya’ll. Love supporting the local business’s!



oh wow see the excitement in those faces oh bot yummies.



What a nice thing to do, Gina & Bella!!!
As Sue VDB posted, a treat for us as well!!!

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