Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 1, 2012



Luna would like to personally thank everyone for their good thoughts, well wishes, prayers and positive vibes. She's sorry to have made everyone worry, but she wants you all to know that she is feeling much better and is back to being the boss at the OBP casa. Not that she ever wasn't in charge. She just had to take a few more potty breaks than normal wink

Thank you!

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Oh beautiful, precious Luna, you do melt my heart!!  You are deserving of all wonderful things and it makes my day to hear you are doing much better!!  Now go wrangle those handsome brothers of yours and enjoy lots of extra treats!  Love you precious lil one!



Luna I am so happy you are feeling better you are a very special girl



You’re most welcome, Miss Luna.  Glad we could send positive vibes… love you soo much (and your brothers too) Wonderful way to start the week…  Here in Canada it will be turkey weekend coming up.. yummm…



All I can say about all this is:  : ) Go Luna!

mary castagnoli


Luna Rules!!!  Small but Mighty - that’s La Luna and we’re mighty glad to see the sun shining on your pretty head.



You are so welcome sweety!  grin

Janice, 2 Pugs, and a Boxer Mix


Luna, we are so glad you are better.  Sassy rules the house for us.  Snuggles is very laid back and allows her to be boss.  At 46 pounds, Dixie tries to get bossy, however, Sassy is 16 pounds of attitude.  You are very precious to us and we wish you only the best.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


We,d walk on hot coals for you, Luna (just glad THAT wasn’t necessary!).  Your health is our happiness, and we are SO HAPPY!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Luna, I think everyone will agree we think of you as ours, and of course we worry about what is ours.  All the prayers, good thoughts, juju, whatever, were all for your recovery and LOOK, you are well again.



You are very welcome, dear Luna!  This is a sweet email, and the picture makes me feel she’s looking right at me!  ♥ this girl!



Dear Luna…so glad you are feeling better.  You look beautiful.



aww luna you are just so wonderful we will keep you in our thoughts special girl.



Hey, just noticed Hank in the background…I was looking on my phone earlier so didn’t see his wrinkly goodness.  Obviously Miss Luna told him there would be NO photo bombs for her “feeling better” portrait!  YAY Luna!



Way to go, Luna! This is the best news!



Oh Looney Tunes. We all love you so much and are so happy you are feeling better! Extra hugs and kisses for you (and your brothers and QP too!) God Bless you little one!

Pug Hugs and love from Bella & me.

Hellen Norton


Little Luna so happy you are doing better!
Keeping the love and prayers coming your way!



Way to go Luna. A hearty pug thru and thru.



No worries Luna. You the gal!

pug mama


Such a super trooper you are Luna!!!  Glad you are on the mend, and that all the prayers, and good wishes were appreciated.  And a few extra potty breaks are completely excusable!

Steve Lindhurst


I am very glad that Luna is recovered from her ordeal.  Not to change the subject but who is Sol?



Go Luna!!
We all knew you could do it!
Puggy Love, Muffles + Lala

Wendy in TLH


So very glad to know lil Luna is back to being the queen bee! smile I also wanted to comment that I went through similar issues with my lil pug Maggie (years ago, both of my babies have long since passed away).

She was a black pug built very similar to Luna and we discovered unexpectedly just how serious her bladder issues could be - they did surgery and removed over 40 bladder stones! She had regular checkups for many reasons (she was my medical issue pug) and even the vet was amazed. This was even after being on special diet for everything. So I’m curious if this is something more prone to the petite gals.

Either way - so glad to see your pug family is doing well. I’ve not been on in quite a while.

All the best!

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