Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Teeth Cleaning


The teeth in Benjamin's mouth are packed in such a way that they make an elaborate set of nooks and crannies that make keeping his teeth clean a nightmare. So, today he is going in to get a thorough dental cleaning. Sadly, I know at least two teeth are going to need to be pulled and I am keeping my fingers crossed that no others will need to be extracted.

We picked up some baby food so Benny will have something soft to eat when he gets home this evening. I know he will be anxious to eat once he gets settled back at home. I can't wait to have him home, eating his baby food and resting up on his pile of pillows.

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Beautiful Benjamin, you had to have some cross to bear with all of those irresistible wrinkles, so a convoluted set of choppers it is.  Just think of how great it will feel after they are all nice and clean.  I will be thinking of you today, handsome, and I’m with mom, can’t wait to hear you are resting comfortably on your throne!!!



Baby Benny, I am with you..going to the dentist is among my least favorite things.
I hope the cleaning goes well, and not too many extractions :(  I can imagine you resting comfortably on your pile of pillows(the Benny Throne) while your loyal subjects make you comfy!!  heehee
Take care, be well   xoxo



Sounds like a long day for everyone…Benny’s dental and Mom and Dad’s anxiety for their baby to be back home in their loving care, and for us OBPersl waiting to hear good news.



Corrine you are such a good mommy three of my pugs had to go in for dentals in recent months I never thought of baby food that is a good idea hope Benny is home resting on his throne real soon



Good Luck Baby Benny. Before you know it, you will be comfy at home with your family. Prayers being sent your way. (For you too Corrine!)

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Good lucky Benny, we know you are in good hands with your mama!  I’m sure you will be back to fluffy wrinkles and giant pillow piles in no time!



Good luck to Baby Benny today.  I’m sure that tonight he will be pampered and loved so much that it will make up for the day.  Please give him (Henry and Luna too) extra ♥ from all of us.



just checking to see if a up date on Bennys dental went I am sure he will be treated like a king tonight



OMG, what a perfect pictures to ‘King Wrinkles’.  “What teeth Ma?  I don’t have any teeth, see?” said Boom Boom Benny (I couldn’t resist, that was such a funny and cute name).

“And Ma, how about forgetting that pea in the middle of my pillow throne. Everyone knows I’m royal.”

Hellen Norton


Oh Benny just know you are great at the dental office. A beautiful puggie like you are always wellbehaved…and WAIT…extra soft bed (with pea to see how royal you are). And beef babyfood….WOW!

Lilo n Me (Gwen)


Just catching up here. This back to work deal is cutting into my pug obsession.  Beautiful Benny, I hope that you are feeling much better today!

I have been so busy this week and trying to decide if Lilo actually got symptoms of the cough from our pug group visit 2 weekends ago.  They have an outbreak in that city, and 2/3 pugs we were with caught it, and actually got the cough.  Lilo was at the tail end of her bordatella coverage so i have been trying to figure out all week if it’s allergies, or if she got some doggy flu going on, as last time with the coverage she got sick, but more like the doggy flu.  Got the all clear today from the vet! Benadryl twice a day now, and call her if something changes.  I love having a holistic veterinarian.  She also gave me a handout of home remedies for the cough and doggy flus. 

Hope and pray everyone is well.  Love, pug hugs and prayers to you all. Love Lilo n me

help dissertation


Both of them displayed their tongues in a sliding board fashion, though.



I need a pug vet for my old girls to get there teeth cleaned. Must be a vet doing the cleaning I don’t trust the techs. I live in the valley in Los Angeles.  Please email me

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