Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tales From the Treat Jar #7

It's about time!

As you know, the treats have been running a little low in the house.  We have been remiss in visiting our local doggie bakery.  So, we went out this weekend to re-stock.  To our surprise, the doggie bakery was closed!  And I don’t mean that we showed up during their off hours, but the shop was empty!  We immediately went into a panic!  (Can you imagine what Benny would say if we completely ran out of treats?  You would panic, too!)  It turns out they were just relocating, but we will still unable to pick up any of the pugs’ favorite treats.

It was on to “Plan B.”  It was a plan that we were waiting until the end of May to implement, however.  You see, since we are Floridians now, we are waiting for the dreaded hurricane season to begin June 1st.  This begins the time of year when we have to have a back up plan for feeding the children.  It is very hard to keep the food cool when the power goes out, so we prepare for that by having a back up cuisine available.

This is where the Plan B comes into play.  For hurricane season, the back up chow is the canned & dry Wellness brand of food.  This brand of fodder is the only other type of food that we have had any luck with in keeping the pugs’ digestive system healthy.  It is never recommended that you switch your dog’s food quickly, however.  The best practice suggests that you slowly introduce the new meal into your dog’s diet to avoid any tummy troubles.  So, since the back up food is the Wellness dry and we need to re-introduce it slowly to the pugs, we will be using the kibble as their treats in order to get them used to it in case we need to feed this to them during a power outage when their homemade meals can no longer be kept refrigerated.  Kills 2 birds with one stone.  (And it keeps us from having to explain an empty treat jar to Baby Benny!)

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Wendy L


Hey! Yes - we have used Wellness (dry) for our puggies for years now. We have also used Eagle Pack with great success, but switched to Wellness due to more specific issues with one of our pugs.

We’re in NW FL, so I understand about the hurricane plan. If anyone has ideas on how they’ve fed their (obstinate) pug pills, let me know. Our youngest pug, Angus, can sniff out anything healthy in a 10-mile radius! I now have to give him a fatty oil supplement and he will go on strike before eating it. My little stinker. No pill pockets or peanut butter for him….....

Thanks for the updates in pug world. We really enjoy your site! -w smile

Dan J.


sneaky to use kibble as a treat! smile

as for pill/med giving, we use dried fruit. apricots to be specific. they come in a tub and we snack on them ourselves when they aren’t being used as a pill delivery device. when pill time rolls around, i bite one if half—well, 3/4 for me, 1/4 (about the size of my thumbnail) for the pug in question—and the end of the fruit is a perfect little pouch for the pill. it folds over the pill real nice and is somewhat sticky so extraction of the pill by pug maw is unlikely. we also pad our bet and slip it to them in the middle of their regular feeding. between the sweet coating and feeding frenzy, that pill is a gonner.

i’m not sure if apricots are good or bad for them, but they are only getting a small part once a day. moderation in all things… and if worse comes to worse, it is just dried fruit.

it has never bothered their stomachs.

admittedly, our sample size is small—two—but you test with the pugs you have on hand, not the pugs you which you had, or hope to have one day in the future.

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