Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Tails from the Treat Jar #5

Uh-Oh.  This is it!

We haven’t been to our local doggie bakery to pick up treats in quite some time.  So needless to say, we are running low on treats.  With all the recent pet food recalls, I haven’t felt comfortable just picking something up while we are out.  Unfortunately for the pugs, when I refilled the treat jar the other day, I didn’t even have enough stock to fill it to the top.  I will have to make a point to stop by the bakery to get more treats.  If Benjamin gets wind of the fact that the treats are running so low, he might do something drastic and put himself up for adoption with one of the pug rescue groups.  I would hate to see Baby Benny have to resort to that.

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